To select the mesh workflow control type.
Declaration Syntax
public enum ControlType
Table 1076: Members
Member |
AddPrescribedPoints |
An AddPrescribedPoints control type sets the the prescribed points for the volume mesh. |
Member |
AddPrescribedPointsFromFile |
An AddPrescribedPointsFromFile control type sets the prescribed points for the volume mesh using an external input file. |
Member |
Checkpoint |
A Checkpoint control type sets properties that are required for creating a checkpoint consisting of all data required to restore the actual state of the Step. |
Member |
ConstantSizeSurfaceMesh |
A ConstantSizeSurfaceMesh control type sets the properties that are required for creating constant size surface meshes according to the parameters given. The important parameters are element size and type. |
Member |
ConstantSizeVolumeMesh |
A ConstantSizeVolumeMesh control type sets the properties that are required for creating volume meshes according to the given parameters. |
Member |
ConstantSizeWrap |
A ConstantSizeWrap control type sets the properties that are required for creating a closed surface around or inside a specified scope of the mesh, i.e. it allows to wrap regions of the mesh using a constant mesh size. |
Member |
CustomNamesEnclosure |
A CustomNamesEnclosure control type sets the names to be used for the zones and labels being created in a CreateEnclosure operation. |
Member |
CustomNamesExtrusion |
A CustomNamesExtrusion control type specifies the names to be used for the zones and labels being created in a Extrude operation. |
Member |
CustomNamesWrap |
A CustomNamesWrap control type sets the names to be used for the zones and labels being created by a Wrap operation. |
Member |
Extrusion |
An Extrusion control type sets the properties that are required for extruding the specified surface mesh layer-by-layer in a specified direction. |
Member |
HemisphereEnclosure |
A HemisphereEnclosure control type sets properties that are required for creating a hemispherical enclosure around a specified scope. |
Member |
HoleFilling |
A HoleFilling control type sets the properties that are required for closing holes in surface meshes by creating patch. The inputs are the edge closed loops delimiting the holes. |
Member |
HolePatching |
A HolePatching control type sets the properties that are required for closing holes in surface meshes by creating patch surfaces. The inputs are the Material Points to Include and to Exclude from the closed volume region. |
Member |
ImproveSurfaceMeshQuadsToTrianglesSplitting |
An ImproveSurfaceMeshQuadsToTrianglesSplitting control type sets the properties that are required for splitting the quadrilaterals of the input scope to triangles. |
Member |
ImproveSurfaceMeshSecondOrderConversion |
An ImproveSurfaceMeshSecondOrderConversion control type allows the user to set properties that are required for converting linear surface mesh elements to 2nd order elements. |
Member |
ImproveVolumeMeshAutoNodeMove |
An ImproveVolumeMeshAutoNodeMove control type sets the properties that are required for improving volume meshes according to the auto-node-move criteria given. |
Member |
ImproveVolumeMeshSecondOrderConversion |
An ImproveVolumeMeshSecondOrderConversion control type sets the properties that are required for converting linear volume mesh elements to 2nd order elements. |
Member |
IrregularShapeConvexEnclosure |
An IrregularShapeConvexEnclosure control sets properties that are required for creating a convex irregular enclosure around a specified scope. |
Member |
IrregularShapeHemiConvexEnclosure |
An IrregularShapeHemiConvexEnclosure control type sets properties that are required for creating a convex irregular enclosure with a cut plane around a specified scope. |
Member |
MaterialPoint |
A MaterialPoint control type sets the properties that are required for defining a material point location and type. |
Member |
MeshExport |
A MeshExport control type sets properties that are required for exporting the actual mesh data to a file. |
Member |
MeshImport |
A MeshImport control type sets properties that are required for importing mesh data from a file. |
Member |
PartEnclosure |
A PartEnclosure control type sets properties that are required for creating a user-defined enclosure around a specified scope. |
Member |
PartsMerging |
A PartsMerging control type sets the properties that are required for combining multiple parts into one. |
Member |
SizeFieldWrap |
A SizeFieldWrap control type sets the properties that are required for creating a closed surface around or inside a specified scope of the mesh based on a size field, i.e. it allows to wrap regions of the mesh using a constant mesh size. |
Member |
SphericalEnclosure |
A SphericalEnclosure control type sets properties that are required for creating a spherical enclosure around a specified scope. |
Member |
TopologyCreation |
A TopologyCreation control type sets the properties that are required for converting a mesh-based part into a part with a topology representation. |
Member |
TopologyDeletion |
A TopologyDeletion control type sets the properties that are required for deleting the topology from parts with mesh and topology representation. |
Member |
UserNamesVolumetricSizeField |
A UserNamesVolumetricSizeField control type sets the name of the volumetric size field to create. |
Member |
VolumesMerging |
A VolumesMerging control type sets the properties that are required for combining multiple volume zones into one. |
Member |
VolumetricSizeFieldBOI |
A VolumetricSizeFieldBOI control type sets the attributes for the creation of a volumetric size field defined by the distance from a body of influence. |
Member |
VolumetricSizeFieldCurvature |
A VolumetricSizeFieldCurvature control type sets the attributes for the creation of a volumetric size field defined by the curvature based on the input geometry. |
Member |
VolumetricSizeFieldLoad |
A VolumetricSizeFieldLoad control type sets the file to load for the volumetric size field. |
Member |
VolumetricSizeFieldMaxSize |
A VolumetricSizeFieldMaxSize control type sets the attributes for the creation of a volumetric size field defined by a maximal size. |
Member |
VolumetricSizeFieldProximity |
A VolumetricSizeFieldProximity control type sets the attributes for the creation of a volumetric size field defined by the proximity to the input geometry. |
Member |
WrapSpecificSurfaceMesh |
A WrapSpecificSurfaceMesh control type sets the properties that are required for creating wrapper specific surface meshes according to the given parameters. |
Member |
ZoneMaterialAssignment |
A ZoneMaterialAssignment control type sets the material to be assigned to zones. Upon completion of the workflow the assigned material will be propagated to the new geometry part(s) and bodies being created. |
Member |
ZoneThicknessAssignment |
A ZoneThicknessAssignment control type sets the thickness to be assigned to zones. Upon completion of the workflow the assigned thickness will be propagated to the new geometry surface part(s) being created. |