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Declaration Syntax
public class Tree : ACTMarshalByRefObject, IEnumerable
Table 355: Members
Property | ActiveObjects |
Gets a list of all selected objects. |
Property | AllObjects |
Gets a list of all objects available in the tree. |
Property | CurrentFilter |
Gets the current filter applied on the tree. |
Property | CurrentSearchGraphics |
Gets the current visibility. |
Property | CurrentSearchState |
Gets the current search state. |
Property | CurrentSearchString |
Gets the current search string (name/tag/propertyName/propertyValue). |
Property | FirstActiveObject |
Gets the first object selected in the tree. |
Property | GroupingFoldersVisible |
Controls whether or not group folders are visible. |
Method | Activate(IDataModelObject) |
selects an object in the tree. |
Method | Activate(IEnumerable<IDataModelObject>) |
Multi-selects a list of objects in the tree. |
Method | ClearFilter() |
Clears the current filter. |
Method | ClearSort() |
Clears the current sort. |
Method | Filter(string, string, ObjectState, VisibilityType, TreeFilterObjectClass, CoordinateSystem, string, Analysis, TreeFilterScopingType, TreeFilterObjectState, string, string, Nullable<bool>) |
Filters the tree objects based on given parameters. |
Method | Find(string, Func<IDataModelObject, bool>, string, ObjectState) |
Gets a list of all objects with the specified parameters. |
Method | GetPathToFirstActiveObject() |
Gets the full path that needs to be typed in order to go to the selected object. |
Method | Group(IDataModelObject) |
Moves dataModelObject to new tree grouping folder. |
Method | Group(IEnumerable) |
Groups a list of objects together. |
Method | IsSorted() |
Checks if the tree is currently sorted alphabetically. |
Method | Refresh() |
Refreshes the tree. |
Method | Sort(SortingType, bool) |
Sorts the tree objects based on given parameters. Type of sorting to apply. Wheter to sort in reverse order. Note that all parameters of Sort are optional. type: Defaults to alphabetical reverse: Defaults to false sorting in reverse order is currently not supported
Usage example - sort alphabetically ExtAPI.DataModel.Tree.Sort()
Usage example - sort alphabetically ExtAPI.DataModel.Tree.Sort(type=SortingType.Alphabetical, reverse=False)
Method | Suspend() ***OBSOLETE*** Use 'Transaction' instead. |
Prevents the tree from being updated. |
Method | Ungroup(TreeGroupingFolder) |
Removes groupingFolder from the tree. |