1.7. Stand Alone Operation

ACP can be used as a Stand Alone application. This section describes how ACP can be operated in Stand Alone mode. It is important to know that the Stand Alone mode does not support all features that are available within Workbench (For instance, the user fields and variable materials are not supported.)

Version 2019 R1 introduced a new serialization format. This changes the handling of external sources (shell input mesh or CAD geometries) when ACP is run in standalone mode. Modifications of the input files are no longer automatically detected by ACP and are not considered on update or open. Therefore, you must refresh the inputs explicitly:

  • Reference Surface (shell): perform a Reload of the model (Model> Reload)

  • CAD Geometry: press Refresh button in the property dialog of the object

  • Imported Solid Model (solid mesh): press Refresh button in the property dialog of the object