The context menu of an individual Modeling Group has these options:

Properties: Display the Modeling Ply Properties dialog.
Create Ply: Create and define a new ply.
Create Interface Layer: Create and define an interface layer for fracture analysis.
Create Butt Joint Sequence: Create and define a new butt joint sequence.
Update: Update the model until all Modeling Plies of this group are up-to-date.
Paste Ply or Modeling Group: Paste objects from the clipboard.
If any Plies, Interface Layers, or Butt Joint Sequences are on the clipboard, paste them into the selected Modeling Group.
Otherwise, paste Modeling Groups from the clipboard after the selected Modeling Group.
See Reordering Modeling Plies, Interface Layers, and Butt Joint Sequences for details on how cut-and-paste affects the Global Ply Number.
Reorder Modeling Groups: Move the selected Modeling Group(s) before or after another group. Note that the order of the Modeling Groups does not affect the stacking sequence. The stacking sequence is based on the Global Ply Number and the Orientation of the Oriented Selection Set.
Delete: Delete the selected Modeling Group.
Export to CSV file: Export the whole Modeling Group with all modeling ply definitions to a .csv file (see Import from / Export to CSV File).
Import from CSV file: Import a Modeling Group from .csv file (see Import from / Export to CSV File).
Export Plies: Export the ply offset geometry as a .STP, .IGES, or STL file (see Export Ply Geometry).