4.3. Analysis Using Variable Material Data

This simple example of a race car nose and wing demonstrates a possible workflow for composite analyses using variable material data, ACP draping simulation, and temperature dependence. Variable material data is used to simulate incomplete curing of the composite material in the model. Note that the wing geometry, composite lay-up, and material data are fictitious and should not be used in any real world analysis or application.

The following figure shows the Workbench setup. Cell D (External Data) contains the results of a Fluent analysis which provides the surface pressure distribution on the race car nose and wing. The composite lay-up, draping, and incomplete curing field are defined in ACP-Pre in cell A. Cell E (External Data) defines the temperature field. The structural effect of the airflow around the race car nose and wing are analyzed in cell B (Static Structural), which also contains the failure analysis of the composite structure.

 The model used in this example analysis is available by downloading this file.

A general overview of using variable material data can be found in Variable Material Data in Composite Analyses.

Figure 4.15: Race Car Setup in the Workbench Application

Race Car Setup in the Workbench Application