4.4. Summary

In this tutorial, you reinforced the lay-up to increase the strength of the sandwich panel's composite structure. You have learned how to:

  • Modify the Mechanical mesh

  • Create Edge Sets in Mechanical and ACP

  • Use a Tube Selection Rule to define local reinforcements

  • Taper a core

  • Use a CAD geometry to define a Cut-Off Selection Rule

Additional Exercises

  • Solve the model and observe the different results compared to Basic Sandwich Panel Tutorial.

    Figure : The Deformation Plot of the Advanced Sandwich Panel

    The Deformation Plot of the Advanced Sandwich Panel

    Figure : The Deformation Plot of the Basic Sandwich Panel

    The Deformation Plot of the Basic Sandwich Panel

  • Modify the Cut-Off Selection Rule and solve again to see the differences. For example, you can disable Ply Tapering to see the changes in the core's thickness distribution.

For more information on using the ACP application in the Ansys Workbench software, see Implementation in Workbench in the ACP User's Guide. For the ACP application's terms and concepts, see Guide for ACP Terminology in the ACP User's Guide.