If files will be transferred from the client working directory to a remote HPC staging directory via operating system commands (in other words, you have selected Operating system file transfer to existing network share (Samba, CIFS, NFS) on the File Management tab), you must ensure that the HPC staging directory is both visible to and writable by the RSM client machine. RSM finds the HPC staging directory via a Windows network share or Linux mount point.
The steps for configuring the HPC staging directory for the OS Copy operation are different between Linux and Windows.
System Administrator permissions are required to configure a directory for Windows-to-Windows OS Copy file transfers.
For Windows-to-Windows file transfers, RSM uses the HPC staging network share name specified on the File Management tab of the RSM configuration to locate and identify the HPC staging directory. You must configure the directory by performing the following setup tasks:
Share the HPC staging directory out to the RSM client machine.
Provide full read-write permissions for the shared directory.
Perform these steps for the HPC staging directory:
In Windows Explorer, right-click the HPC staging directory.
Select the Sharing tab and click .
Click the
button.In the Advanced Settings dialog box, click and enter the correct name for the share. For example, if you wanted to create a network share named
for the HPC staging directory D:\ClusterStaging on a machine namedwinclusterhost
, you would enterstaging
for the share name. This would allow other machines to access the directory via a UNC path: \\winclusterhost\staging.Ensure that full read-write permissions are defined for the directory.
Root permissions are required to configure the HPC staging directory for Linux-to-Linux OS Copy file transfers.
For Linux-to-Linux file transfers, RSM uses mount points to locate and identify the HPC staging directory. You must configure the directory by performing the following setup tasks:
Ensure that the HPC staging directory belongs to a file system that is mounted, so that it is visible to the RSM client machine. Use the full path for the directory.
Provide full read-write privileges for the HPC staging directory.
Root permissions on the Linux machine are required to configure the HPC staging directory for Windows-to-Linux OS Copy file transfers.
For Windows-to-Linux transfers (using Samba or a similar Linux utility), entries in the Samba configuration file map the actual physical location of the Linux HPC staging directory to a predefined Windows share name that RSM uses to locate and identify the HPC staging directory. The following example shows how to configure a Samba share on Linux for the HPC staging directory. If you are unable to create the share, contact your IT System Administrator for assistance with this step.
Edit the smb.conf Samba configuration file to include definitions for the Linux HPC staging directory. The example below shows Samba’s default values for the Linux target directories.
[staging] path = /staging browseable = yes writable = yes create mode = 0664 directory mode = 0775 guest ok = no
The path should point to the actual physical location of the existing target directory.
After making your changes to smb.conf, restart the Samba server by running the following command:
/etc/init.d/smb restart
Note: The locations of files and method of restarting the Samba service may vary for different Linux versions.
Verify that the Samba shares are accessible by your Windows machine, indicating that they have been properly set up. Check this by using Windows Explorer and navigating to \\linuxmachinename\staging, using your specific machine name in place of linuxmachinename.