9.2.1. Viewing the Status of Jobs

The status of each job is indicated in the Status column, and by a unique icon at the beginning of the job entry. The addition of an arrow symbol to the final status icon indicates that the job has been released.

StatusDescriptionIconReleased Icon
Input Pending

Job is being uploaded to the cluster.


The job has been placed in the cluster queue, and is waiting to run.


Job is running.


Job has been terminated via a cancel or Abort action.

Also applies to jobs that have been aborted because you exited a project without first performing one of the following actions:

  • Saving the project since the update was initiated

  • Saving results retrieved since your last save


Job has completed successfully.

Also applies to jobs that have been terminated via the Interrupt option or for which you have saved results prior to exiting the project.


Job has failed.

Also may be applied to jobs that cannot be cancelled due to fatal errors.