
Input allows you to select the geometry parts used for initializing the mesh workflow. Input supports the transfer of geometry from imported bodies. You cannot transfer internally created bodies (for example, pull bodies) or bodies from frozen parts as input.

Note:  : When you scope bodies with shared topology, the selection is automatically extended to the entire multi-body part.

Right-click options available in the Input are:

  • Initialize Workflow: Allows you to initialize the mesh workflow by transferring selected input geometry to the mesh workflow operations. Named Selections scoped to the input geometry translate into corresponding Labels after initializing the workflow. Initialize Workflow is available only when you scope a geometry to Input .

  • Rename: Allows you to rename the Input.

The Input Details view has the following options:


  • Scoping Method: Allows you to scope the input. The available options are Geometry Selection and Named Selection. The default is Geometry Selection.

    • Geometry Selection: Allows you to scope the geometry bodies. When you select Geometry Selection, Geometry allows you to select the bodies from the Geometry window.

    • Named Selection: Allows you to scope the available name selections.