Hiding or Suppressing Bodies

For a quick way to hide bodies (that is, turn body viewing off) or suppress bodies (that is, turn body viewing off and remove the bodies from further treatment in the analysis), select the bodies in the tree or in the Geometry window (choose the Body select mode, either from the toolbar or by a right-click in the Geometry window). Then right-click and choose Hide Body or Suppress Body from the context menu. Choose Show Body, Show All Bodies, Unsuppress Body, or Unsuppress All Bodies to reverse the states.

The following options are also available:

  • Hide All Other Bodies: show only selected bodies.

  • Hide or Show: contains menu options to hide specific body types. Based on the body types of your model, options include: Solid Bodies, Surface Bodies, and Line Bodies.

  • Invert Visibility: inverts the visibility of hidden bodies versus those that are visible. When selected, all hidden bodies become visible and all visible bodies become hidden.

  • Suppress All Other Bodies: enables you to unsuppress only selected bodies.

  • Invert Suppressed Body Set: enables you to reverse the suppression state of all bodies (unsuppressed bodies become suppressed and suppressed bodies become unsuppressed).

  • If another model level object, such as a Remote Point, Joint, or Contact Region, is scoped to a Body that becomes Suppressed, that object also becomes suppressed until it is re-scoped or the body is Unsuppressed.

  • Results from hidden bodies are used in the formulation of the maximum and minimum values in the contour legend and in the Details View.

  • Results from suppressed bodies are suppressed and are not used in the formulation of maximum and minimum values.

  • When you suppress or unsuppress bodies, the state of the mesh remains the same.