Harmonic Acoustics

The following material properties are supported for Harmonic Acoustics analyses.


*Density, f(T,F)

*Speed of Sound, f(T,F)

Viscosity, f(T,F)

Bulk Viscosity, f(T,F)

Isotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,F)

Orthotropic Thermal Conductivity, f(T,F)

Specific Heat, Cp, f(T,F)

See the Linear Material Properties section of the Mechanical APDL Material Reference for a description of the above properties.

Perforated Media

The modeling of a perforated media is supported by the use of one of the following models:

  • Johnson-Champoux-Allard Equivalent Fluid

  • Delany-Bazley Equivalent Fluid

  • Miki Equivalent Fluid

  • Complex Impedance and Propagating-Constant Equivalent Fluid

  • Complex Density and Velocity Equivalent Fluid

See the Equivalent Fluid Model of Perforated Material section of the Mechanical APDL Acoustic Analysis Guide for a more detailed description of the above properties.