Accessing Engineering Data

Engineering Data is a resource for material properties used in an analysis system. Engineering Data can be used as a repository for company or department data, such as material data libraries. The Engineering Data workspace is designed to allow you to create, save, and retrieve material models, as well as to create libraries of data that can be saved and used in subsequent projects and by other users.

Engineering Data can be shown as a component system or as a cell in any Mechanical analysis system. As a standalone component system, the workspace accesses all material models and properties by default. When viewed as a cell in a Mechanical analysis system, the workspace shows the material models and properties pertinent to that system's physics.

To access Engineering Data:

  1. Insert an Engineering Data component system or a Mechanical system into the Project Schematic.

  2. Double-click the Engineering Data cell or right-click the cell and select Edit from the context menu.

  3. The Engineering Data workspace appears. From here, you can navigate through the data for your analysis system, access external data sources, create new data, and store data for future use.

If you share an Engineering Data cell with one or more other analysis systems, be aware that changes in one system will change the data for all systems with which the data is shared.

The data contained in Engineering Data is automatically saved when the project is saved.