Metadata Element

The details for the attributes used on PropertyData (property="") and ParameterValue (parameter="") are contained within Metadata element. Metadata content is illustrated below.

Parameter Details

The string used by ParameterDetails is a unique identification for the parameter to be used in conjunction with a ParmeterValue's attribute parameter.


<Name>"string"</Name>: This string to be displayed in the GUI as the name of the parameter.


The Units element defines the name of the physical quantity for which defined units are available. For example, units of a parameter which has Stress units (Pa) can be defined as shown below. Use Unitless for parameters without units as shown above.

Caution:  Use extreme caution if you are choosing the unit of measure. This value is converted to the Unit System specified for the solution and if you do not enter a supported unit, you could produce incorrect data for the solution.

Property Details

The only PropertyDetails attribute is id="string". The string is a unique identification for the property (prUSER) to be used in conjunction with a PropertyData's attribute property. Following elements are used to further specify PropertyDetails.


<Name>"string"</Name>: The string to be displayed in the GUI as the name of the user-defined material model.


This is required for compatibility and should not be modified.