Selection Functions

The selection functions are restricted to use with Surfaces From Lines and Form New Part from selected bodies.

  • ClearSelections (): This clears all current selections.

  • AddSelect(type, item): This adds the item, of the specified type to the current selections.

  • GetNumIDEdges(ID): This returns the number of edges that match a given user ID.

  • AddSelectEdgeID(ID, n): This adds the edge(s) that match the given ID to the current selections. The second argument 'n' is optional and is in the range 1-num, where num is the value returned by GetNumIDEdges. If supplied, it is used to specify that the 'n'th match of the ID is the only edge added. If there is not an 'n'th match, then nothing is added. If the second argument is not provided, multiple edges can be added to the current selection. The ID is set in the AddSegment command for the Line From Points feature below. If it is not set, then its value is 0.

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