5.1. Create a Hydrodynamic Analysis System

Each analysis type is represented by an analysis system that includes the individual components of the analysis such as the associated geometry and model properties. Most analyses are represented by one independent analysis system. However, an analysis with data transfer can exist where results of one analysis are used as the basis for another analysis. In this case, an analysis system is defined for each analysis type, where components of each system can share data.

  • To create an analysis system, expand the Analysis Systems section in the Toolbox and drag an analysis object template onto the Project Schematic. The analysis system is displayed as a vertical array of cells (schematic) where each cell represents a component of the analysis system. Address each cell by right-clicking on the cell and choosing an editing option.

  • To create an analysis system with data transfer to be added to an existing system, drag the object template representing the upstream analysis directly onto the existing system such that red boxes enclose cells that will share data between the systems. After you release the mouse button, the two systems are displayed, including an interconnecting link and a numerical designation as to which cells share data.

See Working Through a System for more information.

Note:  In hydrodynamic analysis systems, the Geometry cell is the only cell that can share data with other types of analysis systems.