7.2. Parameters

Certain quantities in your Hydrodynamic analysis can be exposed to the Workbench environment as parameters. A parameter may be exposed by selecting the checkbox next to its Detail field, which shows a 'P' when selected. For an input parameter, the value set in the field at the moment when the quantity is parameterized becomes the value for that quantity in the first (Current) design point. The field is then read-only, and any changes to the value must be made through the design point table. Parameters can be used in post-processing to conduct optimization analysis and "what-if" scenarios. See Working with Parameters and Design Points for more information about working with parameters.

Figure 7.1: Example of Parameters in the Details View

Example of Parameters in the Details View

When an item in the project tree is suppressed or deleted, any parameters and design point values associated with it are removed from the design point table.

If you have parameterized a property which then goes out of context due to changes made to another property, the parameter and its design point values are permanently removed from the design point table. For example, if you have parameterized the Significant Wave Height of an Irregular Wave with Wave Type of JONSWAP (Hs), and then change the Wave Type to JONSWAP (Alpha), the Significant Wave Height parameter is removed.