This panel lets you set the following options for gauge point plots:
- Select gauge points
These options let you select all gauge points, all gauge points associated with a part, or individually by number. For the last two cases additional dialog prompts you for the part names or gauge numbers as required.
- Marker scale
Each gauge point is represented by a marker. This slider lets you set the marker size.
- Text labels
Labels each marker with its corresponding gauge number.
- Text size
The text size used for the label.
- Label bounds
Puts a bounding box around each label.
- Label offset
Sets your own offset position for labels.
- Leading line
Shows lines joining each marker to its label.
- Radial offset
Uses radial label offsets instead of linear offsets.
- X / Y / Z offset
These sliders let you adjust the label offset distance in the X, Y, and Z directions.