14.2. Interactions - Euler/Lagrange (2D)

This panel lets you set up interactions (coupling) between 2D Lagrange Parts and Euler Parts.

Select Euler/Lagrange Coupling Type

Select the type of coupling you want to muse for Euler/Lagrange interactions.


Do not compute any Euler/Lagrange coupling.


Let Autodyn set up coupling automatically.


Set up interactions manually using Polygons.

Automatic coupling

Recommended if you want all Lagrange Parts to interact with all Euler Parts and you have no Shell Parts.

If you want more control in defining which Parts should be coupled or have Shell Parts that you want to couple to Euler, use Polygon coupling.


Can be used with Automatic coupling, but not with Polygon coupling.

If you select Polygon coupling, further input dialog is presented :

To set up an Euler/Lagrange interaction using Polygons, you must first generate one or more Polygons and attach the polygon points to nodes on the surface of the Lagrange Parts that you want to interact with Euler.

Then you must specify which Polygons you want to couple with which Euler Parts.

This dialog lets you generate your Polygons and set up coupling between your Polygons and the Euler Parts in your model.

Select Polygon

Lists all the Polygons you have created. You can select a Polygon in this list.

Select active part

Lists all the Parts that can be coupled to Polygons (that is, all Lagrange, ALE and Shell Parts). You can select a Part in this list.


Creates a new Polygon.


Deletes the selected Polygon


Applies a velocity to the selected node.


Sets porosity for the selected Polygon.

Add First Point (only visible when no points are defined)

Generates the first point for the selected Polygon (use Shift+right mouse button to place the point).

Select Point

Selects a point of the selected Polygon (use Shift+right mouse button to select the point).

Add Point After

Adds a point after the selected polygon point (use Shift+right mouse button to place the point).

If you place the added point close to a node on the surface of the selected active Part, the point will automatically be attached to that node.

If you immediately follow this by placing a second point close to another surface node of the same selected active Part, multiple points will be generated attached to all surface nodes between the two placed nodes in an anti-clockwise direction.

Insert Point Before

Inserts a point before the selected polygon point (use Shift+right mouse button to place the point)

If you place the inserted point close to a node on the surface of the selected active Part, the point will automatically be attached to that node.

If you immediately follow this by placing a second point close to another surface node of the same selected active Part, multiple points will be generated attached to all surface nodes between the two placed nodes in an anti-clockwise direction.

Move Point

Moves the selected polygon point to a new location (use Shift+right mouse button to place the point at its new location)

Delete Point(s)

Deletes one or more polygon points. The first point to be deleted is the selected polygon point. Use Shift+right mouse button to select the last point to be deleted. All points from the selected point to last point inclusive will be deleted.

X/Y Coordinates

These fields display the coordinates of the selected polygon point. You can change the location of this point by entering new values in these fields.

Example 14.1: Adding Points

  • Add first point (Single point not attached to grid).

  • Add point after (Single point attached to grid).

  • Add point after (Multiple points generated anti-clockwise around grid).

The selected polygon node is always shown in red.

The last point of Polygon is automatically connected to first point to close the Polygon.

Coupling, Name / Polygon / Euler Part

These boxes list the interaction sets you have defined for Polygon coupling.


The name of the interaction set.


The Polygon that is coupled to an Euler Part.

Euler Part

The Euler Part that the Polygon is coupled to.

You can select a set in this list.


Adds a new interaction set.


Deletes the selected interaction set.