Scripting Overview

Ansys Workbench offers the ability to record the actions you perform via the GUI, which is referred to as journaling. Journals are recorded as Python-based scripts. You can modify these scripts or create new ones, which is referred to as scripting. Together, these capabilities allow you to quickly and easily replay analyses you've already run via recorded journals, as well as to extend functionality, automate repetitive analyses, and run analyses in batch mode via scripting.

  • For the purposes of this documentation, Ansys Workbench refers to all applications and tools running in the Workbench environment, including the Project tab and Parameter Manager. If features apply only to specific applications or tools, this is indicated.

  • Journaling and scripting uses a decimal point as the decimal separator and a comma as the separator for list items regardless of locale settings. The GUI will display values and lists using the current locale settings.