
This namespace holds top-level commands and queries related to Engineering Data


Queries Engineering Data for those field variables which can be created on a PropertyData

    material1 = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    // Create FieldVariableDataObject to get/set the field data for all 
    // "Temperature" field variables in "Structural Steel"
    fieldVariableData1 = material1.CreateFieldVariableDataObject(Name="Temperature")
    // Set upper and lower limits for all "temperature field variables in "Structural Steel"
    fieldVariableData1.LowerLimit = 100
    fieldVariableData1.UpperLimit = 300

Return    Dictionary of field variable collection
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>

Required Arguments

DataReturn    The data information to return for each field variable. The string can be seen in the journal by looking at the Qualifiers and CustomData when creating a field variable in the UI
    Type    string