
This namespace holds top-level User Interface based commands and queries related to Study


Action invoked from a script in order to force visibility of model based upon a given user object.

Required Arguments

Entity    Entity to set visibility to
    Type     DataReference


Action invoked from a script to a hide one or more bodies

Required Arguments

Bodies    A list of the ids of bodies to be hidden. For example ["BODY.1", "BODY.2"]
    Type     List<string>


Action invoked from a scrip to a hide one or more faces

Required Arguments

Faces    A list of the ids of the faces to be hidden. For example ["FACE.1", "FACE.2"]
    Type     List<string>


Action invoked from a script to save an image to a file.

Required Arguments

FilePath    The path to the file where the image is saved
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

Size    The resolution of the image - Supported values are "640x480", "800x600", "1024x768", "1280x720", "1280x1024", "1400x1120", "1600x1400", "1920x1080", "2048x1536", "3840x2160"
    Type     String[]


Action invoked from a script in order to control the display of convergence messages

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    Set to False to disable display of convergence messages
    Type     bool


Action invoked from within a script in order to set the selection filter.

Required Arguments

Filter    A string representing the type of filter to be set. Valid values are "Body", "Face", "Edge"
    Type     string


Action invoked from a scrip to reset visibility for all entities