
This namespace holds top-level commands and queries related to Parameters, Design Points and DesignXploration.


Approve all ROM data contained in ROM or DX addin.


Clears the Design Points Cache for Design Exploration features. DesignXplorer is using an internal cache of Design Points to reduce the number of Design Point update operations. This cache is available accross all of the design exploration systems of a project. This command clears all the data contained in the cache.


The following example shows how to clear the cache in a project.



A command to create a new design point that contains all the parameters, but with their values set to null.

The design point can be created initially as a "exported" design point, which will allow the files and associated databases to be reloaded at a later time to view the results of the design point update.

Return    A DataReference to the new design point entity.
    Type    DataReference

Optional Arguments

Exported    Indicates that the newly created design point will be exported.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    False
Name    Name of new design point
    Type    string
Retained    Indicates that the newly created design point will be retained.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    False

The following example illustrates proper CreateDesignPoint command invocation:

    newDP = Parameters.CreateDesignPoint(Exported=True, Retained=False)


Creates a parameter, optionally associated with a data entity property. The expression and visible name for the parameters can be optionally specified.

Return     A DataReference to the new parameter entity.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    The display text for the parameter.
    Type     string
Entity    The data model entity that holds the property to be parameterized.
    Type     DataReference
Expression    The initial expression for the parameter.
    Type     string
IsDirectOutput    Indicates if the parameter is a direct output parameter.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False
IsOutput    Indicates if the parameter is an output parameter.
    Type     bool
PropertyName    The name of the data model property which the parameter is associated with.
    Type     string

The following two examples illustrate input and output parameter creation

    myEntity = #Query to obtain your entity on to which parameters will be created.
    inptParam1 = Parameters.CreateParameter(Entity=myEntity,
                                            DisplayText="My Input Parameter")
    outpParam1 = Parameters.CreateParameter(Entity=myEntity,
                                            DisplayText="My Output Parameter")
    exprParam1 = Parameters.CreateParameter(Entity=None,
                                            DisplayText="My Input Expression Parameter")
    exprParam2 = Parameters.CreateParameter(Entity=None,
                                            DisplayText="My Output Expression Parameter")


Creates a multi-axis parallel coordinate chart based on the parameters supplied to the command.

    chart1 = Parameters.CreateParameterSummaryChart(Parameters=[])
    parameter1 = Parameters.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    parameter2 = Parameters.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    parameter3 = Parameters.GetParameter(Name="P3")
    chart1 = Parameters.CreateParameterSummaryChart(Parameters=[parameter1, parameter2, parameter3])

Return    A data reference that represents the created chart.
    Type    DataReference

Required Arguments

Parameters    The parameters to be included in the parallel coordinate plot.
    Type    DataReferenceSet


Creates a 2-dimensional (x,y) chart that can be used to compare two parameters.

Return     A data reference that represents the chart that is created.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

XAxisBottom    A data reference for the parameter that represents the bottom x-axis.
    Type     DataReference
XAxisTop    A data reference for the parameter that represents the top x-axis.
    Type     DataReference
YAxisLeft    A data reference for the parameter that represents the left y-axis.
    Type     DataReference
YAxisRight    A data reference for the parameter that represents the right y-axis.
    Type     DataReference

This example illustrates the creation of a chart comparing two parameters.

    parameter1 = Parameters.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    parameter2 = Parameters.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    chart1 = Parameters.CreateParameterVsParameterChart(XAxisBottom=parameter1, YAxisLeft=parameter2)


Export the parameter values for up-to-date parameters for all the design points to a csv file.

Required Arguments

FilePath    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False
DesignPoints    The set of design points to be exported in the same file. If this parameter is not given, all the design points are exported.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how the user can export up-to-date parameter values of all the design points of the project.



Export the link to design set to a csv file.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the dictionary of linked point.



Returns a set of all design points in the project.

Return     A data reference set containing all the design points.
    Type     DataReferenceSet


Returns a set of all design points, sorted by their update order in ascending, in the project.

Return     A data reference set containing all the sorted design points.
    Type     DataReferenceSet


Returns a set of all design points in the project that have files under their design point directories.

Return     A data reference set containing all the design points that have files under their design point directories.
    Type     DataReferenceSet


Retrieves a set of all exported design points.

Return     A set of all design points.
    Type     DataReferenceSet

Optional Arguments

IncludingBaseDesignPoint    A flag to determine whether the query to also return the base design point, which is always retained.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    True


Returns a set of all parameters in the project.

Return     A data reference set containing all the parameters.
    Type     DataReferenceSet


Retrieves a set of all retained design points.

Return     A set of all design points.
    Type     DataReferenceSet

Optional Arguments

IncludingBaseDesignPoint    A flag to determine whether the query to also return the base design point, which is always retained.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    True


Retrieves a set of all retained design points with valid data

Return     A set of all design points.
    Type     DataReferenceSet

Optional Arguments

IncludingBaseDesignPoint    A flag to determine whether the query to also return the base design point, which is always retained.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    True


Returns a design point based on the name of the design point.

Return     The design point of interest.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the design point.
    Type     string


A query to return a reference for a named expression given a name and a scope

Return     The named expression of interest.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the named expression.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

Scope    The scope in which the named expression is located. Default is global scope.
    Type     DataReference


A query to return a reference for a parameter given a name and a scope

Return     The parameter of interest.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the parameter.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

Scope    The scope in which the parameter is located. If this parameter is omitted or is null then the returned parameter will be global.
    Type     DataReference


A query to return a reference for a parameter summary chart by name.

Return     The parameter chart of interest.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the chart.
    Type     string


A query to return a reference for a parameter vs. parameter chart by name.

Return     The parameter chart of interest.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the chart.
    Type     string


Returns a data reference to a named scope

Return     the Scope in the Parameter Manager
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the scope entity.
    Type     string


Checks whether a parameter is up to date in a design point.

Return     True if the parameter is up to date in the design point.
    Type     bool

Required Arguments

DesignPoint    The design point data reference.
    Type     DataReference
Parameter    The parameter data reference.
    Type     DataReference


Indicates whether a parameter is up to date in a design point.

Return     Return if the parameter is up to date in the design point.
    Type     bool

Required Arguments

Parameter    Parameter
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

DesignPoint    Design point
    Type     DataReference


Optimizes Update Order of Design Points to minimize the number of modifications between two consecutives Design Points


Remove all the ROM snapshots that are not used by DX and not in any up to date point.

Required Arguments

SystemId    No details are provided for this entry.
    Type     string


Sets the expression of the specified parameter in the base design point.

Required Arguments

Expression    The string with the expression for the parameter.
    Type     string
Parameter    The parameter data reference.
    Type     DataReference


Sets a value for the update order property of all design points using a sorting method.

Optional Arguments

SortBy    The definition of the sorting.
    Type     List<string>