
This container holds charts and graphics objects in the project.

Data Entities


A chart axis that spans a set of continuous values. An example is an axis of an XY plot.



This property will define whether or not automatic scaling should be applied to the axis, or whether the RangeMin and RangeMax should be used.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The label of the axis.

Type     string
Read Only    No

This property controls whether the axis scaling is to be logarithmic or linear. The default is linear scaling.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The maximum range of the values in this axis.

Type     double
Read Only    No

The minimum range of the values in this axis.

Type     double
Read Only    No

Defines whether or not to show a grid for this chart axis.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

This defines the background color of an axis title. This is particularly useful when you want to be able to identify which variable is associated with which axis. The default is transparent.

Type     Color
Read Only    No

Determine whether this axis represents a usability axis. A usability axis presents discrete allowable values rather than continuous values.

Type     bool
Read Only    No


A chart axis that represents a set of discrete values. An example is an axis of a bar chart.



This property will define whether or not automatic scaling should be applied to the axis, or whether the RangeMin and RangeMax should be used.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The label of the axis.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The index of the last division of the discrete data to be used. If this is -1 then it is undefined and will be determined dependent on the data.

Type     uint
Read Only    No

The index of the first division of the discrete data to be used. If this is -1 then it is undefined and will be determined dependent on the data.

Type     uint
Read Only    No

Defines whether or not to show a grid for this chart axis.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

This defines the background color of an axis title. This is particularly useful when you want to be able to identify which variable is associated with which axis. The default is transparent.

Type     Color
Read Only    No


This entity provides general properties for an XY (i.e. two dimensional) chart. Plotting details are determined from the associated variables and axes.



Reference to the Legend entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Reference to the RenderStyle entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The title of the chart.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The variables to be displayed in this chart. This can be a list of Variable, VariableXY or VariableXYZ data entities.

Type     List<DataReference>
Read Only    No

The data reference to the x-axis.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The data reference to the secondary x-axis.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The data reference to the y-axis.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The data reference to the secondary y-axis.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No


This chart is a canvas for an XYZ plot, the manor of plotting will be determined by the specified variables.



Reference to the Legend entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Reference to the RenderStyle entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The title of the chart.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The variables to be displayed in this chart. This can be a list of Variable, VariableXY or VariableXYZ data entities.

Type     List<DataReference>
Read Only    No

The data reference to the X-Axis.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The data reference to the Y-Axis.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The data reference to the Y-Axis.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No


A Correlation Matrix uses a tabular graphic to display the strength of the relationships between multiple parameters in a study.



This range defines the values and the distribution of correlation values to be applied to the color range. This defaults from -1 to 1.

Type     List<float>
Read Only    No

Reference to the Legend entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Reference to the RenderStyle entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The title of the chart.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The variables to be displayed in this chart. This can be a list of Variable, VariableXY or VariableXYZ data entities.

Type     List<DataReference>
Read Only    No


This entity provides a legend for chart data.



The background color of the legend.

Type     Color
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

This property will enable or disable the legend.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The foreground (border) color of the legend.

Type     Color
Read Only    No

This property defines the orientation of the legend.

Type     OrientationStyle
Read Only    No


Specialization of a chart to represent a parallel coordinate plot or a spider chart. Multi-axis charts use an independent axis for each supplied variable.



Sets the type of rendering (e.g. Parallel Coordinate Plot, Spider Plot) for this multi-axis chart.

Type     ChartStyle
Read Only    No

Reference to the Legend entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Reference to the RenderStyle entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The title of the chart.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The variables to be displayed in this chart. This can be a list of Variable, VariableXY or VariableXYZ data entities.

Type     List<DataReference>
Read Only    No


Pie chart data object that allows us to represent a displayable pie chart.



In a multi-axis chart we are plotting each variable as an axis, but what we plot are actually displaying are the rows of each variable, as such we need labels for each row.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Reference to the Legend entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Should the percentages for the slices be shown.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Reference to the RenderStyle entity that is applied to the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The title of the chart.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The variables to be displayed in this chart. This can be a list of Variable, VariableXY or VariableXYZ data entities.

Type     List<DataReference>
Read Only    No


This entity supplies the render properties for any graphics object.



This property controls the amount of space (relative to the BarWidth) before drawing a bar for this variable.

For example, if two variables are being drawn in a bar chart and you set the offset of the second variable to be 0.5, that variable will be shifted by half the BarWidth to avoid overlap.

Type    float
Read Only    No

This property controls the width of bars in a bar chart. The range of allowable values is 0 to 1, and sets the percentage of the available space used for the bars of the variable.

Type     float
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The symbol to be used to at each plot point.

Type     DotStyles
Read Only    No

Define the fill color for this variable in the plot. All filled regions will use this color except where the style is defined as gradient in which case the GradientColor is used.

Type     List<Color>
Read Only    No

The shading to be used for any filled region.

Type     FillStyles
Read Only    No

The axis that defines plot color if gradient shading is enabled. The axis must be continuous.

Type     Axis
Read Only    No

Defines the line color of this variable in a plot. The first value in the list will be used if the line style is not gradient. Gradient line style will blend between the provided colors.

Type     List<Color>
Read Only    No

The style of the line.

Type     LineStyles
Read Only    No

Sets the width of the line drawn for this variable in pixels.

Type     uint
Read Only    No

Controls the number of color bands to be used in a gradient fill. A value of 0 (the default) will result in a continuous gradient.

Type     uint
Read Only    No

Define the outline colors for symbols. If not set (the default) then LineColors is used.

Type     List<Color>
Read Only    No

When set to true, causes the ends of a line chart to extend to the edge of the chart. This is primarily used to represent a constant line from a single value.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Enables smoothing of the rendered object. In 3D this results in a smoothed rather than faceted surface. In 2D this results in a smooth line rather than a straight line between points.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Set the size of a symbol in pixels when a symbol is drawn for this variable. The rendered symbol size may be slightly smaller or larger than expected if symbol does not correctly fit into the specified number of pixels.

Type     uint
Read Only    No


The data entity that defines a variable to be plotted.



Defines whether the bounds are to be used from BoundsMin/BoundsMax or whether they are to be automatically generated based on the data.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Defines the maximum rendered value for the data. Any larger values will be ignored.

Type     float
Read Only    No

Defines the minimum rendered value for the data. Any smaller values will be ignored.

Type     float
Read Only    No

Controls if this variable is displayed using lines, bars, etc.

Type     VariableStyle
Read Only    No

If bounds filtering is enabled, sets the maximum variable value that will cause it to be filtered from the plot. This is different from BoundsMin in that any variable that exceeds this value will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     float
Read Only    No

If bounds filtering is enabled, sets the minimum variable value that will cause it to be filtered from the plot. This is different from BoundsMin in that any variable that exceeds this value will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     float
Read Only    No

When this is true, any variables that are outside the filter bounds will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Setting this parameter to 'false' will exclude this variable from any legend it may be included in.

This property is only valid for XY and XYZ charts and will be ignored otherwise.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

The label of the variable. This is optional and is typically determined from the name of the input variable.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Define the order of this variable among all the variables in a chart.

Type     int
Read Only    No


This is the base class for a data entity that defines a variable to be plotted.



Defines whether the bounds are to be used from BoundsMin/BoundsMax or whether they are to be automatically generated based on the data.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Defines the maximum rendered value for the data. Any larger values will be ignored.

Type     float
Read Only    No

Defines the minimum rendered value for the data. Any smaller values will be ignored.

Type     float
Read Only    No

Controls if this variable is displayed using lines, bars, etc.

Type     VariableStyle
Read Only    No

If bounds filtering is enabled, sets the maximum variable value that will cause it to be filtered from the plot. This is different from BoundsMin in that any variable that exceeds this value will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     float
Read Only    No

If bounds filtering is enabled, sets the minimum variable value that will cause it to be filtered from the plot. This is different from BoundsMin in that any variable that exceeds this value will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     float
Read Only    No

When this is true, any variables that are outside the filter bounds will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Setting this parameter to 'false' will exclude this variable from any legend it may be included in.

This property is only valid for XY and XYZ charts and will be ignored otherwise.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

The label of the variable. This is optional and is typically determined from the name of the input variable.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Define the order of this variable among all the variables in a chart.

Type     int
Read Only    No


This is the base class for a data entity that defines a variable to be plotted.



Defines whether the bounds are to be used from BoundsMin/BoundsMax or whether they are to be automatically generated based on the data.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Defines the maximum rendered value for the data. Any larger values will be ignored.

Type     float
Read Only    No

Defines the minimum rendered value for the data. Any smaller values will be ignored.

Type     float
Read Only    No

Controls if this variable is displayed using lines, bars, etc.

Type     VariableStyle
Read Only    No

If bounds filtering is enabled, sets the maximum variable value that will cause it to be filtered from the plot. This is different from BoundsMin in that any variable that exceeds this value will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     float
Read Only    No

If bounds filtering is enabled, sets the minimum variable value that will cause it to be filtered from the plot. This is different from BoundsMin in that any variable that exceeds this value will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     float
Read Only    No

When this is true, any variables that are outside the filter bounds will be excluded from the plot. This primarily applies to Parallel Coordinate Plots.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Setting this parameter to 'false' will exclude this variable from any legend it may be included in.

This property is only valid for XY and XYZ charts and will be ignored otherwise.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

The label of the variable. This is optional and is typically determined from the name of the input variable.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Define the order of this variable among all the variables in a chart.

Type     int
Read Only    No