DX Evaluation Container

DX Evaluation Container
This container holds data for an instance of the Evaluation.

Data Entities


The CandidatePoint data entity is a candidate point automatically generated by an optimization.



The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No



Returns true if the entity can be updated to produce the specific source of output values. As an example, the query will return false for Source=ResponseSurface if the candidate point was generated by a Direct Optimization system.

Return     Results of the query telling if the Point entity can be updated to produce the specified source of output values.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Source    Source of the output values to query for.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation

The following example shows how to check if a CandidatePoint entity can be updated and how to update it to obtain the Simulation output values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    if candidatePoint.CanUpdate(Source="Simulation"):


Get the values of the input parameters. Depending on the parameter definition, each value can be a Quantity, a real, a string or an integer.

Return     The dictionary of the input parameter values.
    Type     ReadOnlyDictionary<DataReference, Object>

Optional Arguments

ValueType    The type of parameter value to return.
    Type     ParameterValueType
    Default Value    ActualValue

The following example shows how to retrieve a candidate point and then extract its input parameter values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    dictInputValues = candidatePoint.GetInputValues()


Get the values of the output parameters for the specified source of output values.

Return     The dictionary of the output parameter values.
    Type     ReadOnlyDictionary<DataReference, Object>

Optional Arguments

Source    The source of the output values to return.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation
ValueType    The type of parameter value to return.
    Type     ParameterValueType
    Default Value    ActualValue

The following example shows how to retrieve a candidate point and then extract its output parameter values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    responseSurfaceOutputValues = candidatePoint.GetOutputValues(Source="ResponseSurface")
    simulationOutputValues = candidatePoint.GetOutputValues(Source="Simulation")


Returns the state of the entity for the specified source of output values. A different state is available for each source of output values.

Return     State for the specified nature of output values.
    Type     UpdatableEntityState

Optional Arguments

Source    Source of output values to query for.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation

The following example shows how to check the state of the Simulation's source of the output values of a CandidatePoint entity.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    state = candidatePoint.GetState(Source="Simulation")


Get the value for a given parameter and, if the parameter is an output parameter, a given source of output values. Depending on the parameter definition, each value can be a Quantity, a real, a string or an integer.

Return     The retrieve parameter value.
    Type     Object

Required Arguments

Parameter    The Parameter for which the value is requested.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

Source    If Parameter is an output parameter, the source of the output value to return.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation
ValueType    The type of parameter value to return.
    Type     ParameterValueType
    Default Value    ActualValue

The following example shows how to retrieve a candidate point generated by the optimization model, and then extract selected parameter values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    inputParam1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    parameterValue1 = candidatePoint.GetValue(Parameter=inputParam1)
    outputParam4 = model.GetParameter(Name="P4")
    parameterValue2 = candidatePoint.GetValue(Parameter=outputParam4, Source="Simulation")
    print parameterValue2.Value


Get the values of all input parameters and the values of all output parameters for the specified source of output values. Depending on the parameter definition, each value can be a Quantity, a real, a string or an integer.

Return     The dictionary of the parameter values.
    Type     ReadOnlyDictionary<DataReference, Object>

Optional Arguments

Source    For output parameters, the source of the output values to return.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation
ValueType    The type of parameter value to return.
    Type     ParameterValueType
    Default Value    ActualValue

The following example shows how to retrieve a candidate point and then extract all of its parameter values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    parameterValues = candidatePoint.GetValues(Source="Simulation")


Updates a point entity to provide the output parameter values of the requested source. If the requested source is ResponseSurface, the output values are generated by evaluating the response surface model, if available. If the requested source is Simulation, the output values are generated by triggering a DesignPoint update. This command applies to CandidatePoint and CustomCandidatePoint entities.

Return     The dictionary of parameters with their values.
    Type     ReadOnlyDictionary<DataReference, Object>

Optional Arguments

Source    Source of output values to produce. The update method depends on this parameter.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation

The following example shows how to update an existing candidate point to obtain Simulation output values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    candidate1 = container.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    outputValues = candidate1.Update(Source="Simulation")


The data entity which describes the Candidate Points chart. The Candidate Points chart allows you to view different kinds of information about candidate points. It allows you specify one or more parameters for which you want to display candidates data. Color-coding and a legend make it easy to view and interpret samples, candidate points identified by the optimization, candidates inserted manually, and candidates for which output values have been verified by a design point update. You can specify the chart’s properties to control the visibility of each axis, feasible samples, candidates you’ve inserted manually, and candidates with verified output values.



Coloring method used to draw the chart.

Type     CandidatesColoringMethods
Read Only    No

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

If True, the candidates are displayed on the chart.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

If True, any custom candidates are displayed on the chart.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

If True, the samples are displayed on the chart.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

If True, the starting point is displayed on the chart.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

If True, any verified candidates are displayed on the chart.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes an ConvergenceCriteria chart. It allows you to visualize how convergence evolves during the optimization process, depending on the optimizer.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a variable in a chart. This command is currently limited to the CorrelationScatter chart, where LinearTrendLine_Variable and QuadraticTrendLine_Variable are the two eligible variables, and the ConvergenceCriteria chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the variable, or True (default) to enable it.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Variable    DataReference of the variable to enable or disable.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to disable and enable a variable in a CorrelationScatter or ConvergenceCriteria chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="CorrelationScatter 1")
    chart.EnableVariable( Variable=chart.LinearTrendLine_Variable, IsEnabled=false)
    chart.EnableParameter( Variable=chart.QuadraticTrendLine_Variable )


Enable or disable a list of variables in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the variable, or True (default) to enable it.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Variables    DataReference of the variable to enable or disable.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two variables, and then how to enable all variables by omitting the Parameters optional variable. This example uses a CorrelationScatter chart. The method also applies for ConvergenceCriteria Chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    var1 = Graphics.GetVariableXY(Name="MyName")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="CorrelationScatter 1")
    chart.EnableVariables( Variables = [var1;var2], IsEnabled=false)


The data entity which describes a Convergence Curves chart. It allows you to visualize the convergence of an algorithm: with the steps of the convergence as X-axis and the criteria of the convergence as Y-axis. This chart can display several curves based on the same steps of convergence.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a Correlation Matrix chart. This matrix allows the user to visualize how the input and output parameters are coupled.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a Correlation Scatter chart. This scatter chart allows the user to visualize the samples used to compute the correlation for the selected parameter pair, as well as the linear and the quadratic trend lines.



Dictionary of the parameters associated to axes.

Type     Dictionary<ChartAxes, DataReference>
Read Only    Yes

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The DataReference of the LinearTrendLine variable.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

The DataReference of the QuadraticTrendLine variable.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No



Associates a Parameter to the specified axis of the chart. The Parameter argument can be omitted which means that the axis is not set.

Required Arguments

Axis    Axis to modify.
    Type     ChartAxes

Optional Arguments

Parameter    Parameter entity to be assigned to the specified axis.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to assign parameters to the axes of a DesignPointsCurves chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    inputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    outputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P5")
    outputParam2 = model.GetParam(Name="P6")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Design Point vs Parameter 1")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=inputParam1, Axis="XAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam1, Axis="YAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam2, Axis="YRightAxis")


Enable or disable a variable in a chart. This command is currently limited to the CorrelationScatter chart, where LinearTrendLine_Variable and QuadraticTrendLine_Variable are the two eligible variables, and the ConvergenceCriteria chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the variable, or True (default) to enable it.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Variable    DataReference of the variable to enable or disable.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to disable and enable a variable in a CorrelationScatter or ConvergenceCriteria chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="CorrelationScatter 1")
    chart.EnableVariable( Variable=chart.LinearTrendLine_Variable, IsEnabled=false)
    chart.EnableParameter( Variable=chart.QuadraticTrendLine_Variable )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The CustomCandidatePoint data entity is a candidate point created and edited by the user for comparison with the results of an optimization.



The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No



Returns true if the entity can be updated to produce the specific source of output values. As an example, the query will return false for Source=ResponseSurface if the candidate point was generated by a Direct Optimization system.

Return     Results of the query telling if the Point entity can be updated to produce the specified source of output values.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Source    Source of the output values to query for.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation

The following example shows how to check if a CandidatePoint entity can be updated and how to update it to obtain the Simulation output values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    if candidatePoint.CanUpdate(Source="Simulation"):


Get the values of the input parameters. Depending on the parameter definition, each value can be a Quantity, a real, a string or an integer.

Return     The dictionary of the input parameter values.
    Type     ReadOnlyDictionary<DataReference, Object>

Optional Arguments

ValueType    The type of parameter value to return.
    Type     ParameterValueType
    Default Value    ActualValue

The following example shows how to retrieve a candidate point and then extract its input parameter values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    dictInputValues = candidatePoint.GetInputValues()


Get the values of the output parameters for the specified source of output values.

Return     The dictionary of the output parameter values.
    Type     ReadOnlyDictionary<DataReference, Object>

Optional Arguments

Source    The source of the output values to return.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation
ValueType    The type of parameter value to return.
    Type     ParameterValueType
    Default Value    ActualValue

The following example shows how to retrieve a candidate point and then extract its output parameter values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    responseSurfaceOutputValues = candidatePoint.GetOutputValues(Source="ResponseSurface")
    simulationOutputValues = candidatePoint.GetOutputValues(Source="Simulation")


Returns the state of the entity for the specified source of output values. A different state is available for each source of output values.

Return     State for the specified nature of output values.
    Type     UpdatableEntityState

Optional Arguments

Source    Source of output values to query for.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation

The following example shows how to check the state of the Simulation's source of the output values of a CandidatePoint entity.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    state = candidatePoint.GetState(Source="Simulation")


Get the value for a given parameter and, if the parameter is an output parameter, a given source of output values. Depending on the parameter definition, each value can be a Quantity, a real, a string or an integer.

Return     The retrieve parameter value.
    Type     Object

Required Arguments

Parameter    The Parameter for which the value is requested.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

Source    If Parameter is an output parameter, the source of the output value to return.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation
ValueType    The type of parameter value to return.
    Type     ParameterValueType
    Default Value    ActualValue

The following example shows how to retrieve a candidate point generated by the optimization model, and then extract selected parameter values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    inputParam1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    parameterValue1 = candidatePoint.GetValue(Parameter=inputParam1)
    outputParam4 = model.GetParameter(Name="P4")
    parameterValue2 = candidatePoint.GetValue(Parameter=outputParam4, Source="Simulation")
    print parameterValue2.Value


Get the values of all input parameters and the values of all output parameters for the specified source of output values. Depending on the parameter definition, each value can be a Quantity, a real, a string or an integer.

Return     The dictionary of the parameter values.
    Type     ReadOnlyDictionary<DataReference, Object>

Optional Arguments

Source    For output parameters, the source of the output values to return.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation
ValueType    The type of parameter value to return.
    Type     ParameterValueType
    Default Value    ActualValue

The following example shows how to retrieve a candidate point and then extract all of its parameter values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    candidatePoint = model.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    parameterValues = candidatePoint.GetValues(Source="Simulation")


Sets the expression of a parameter in a CustomCandidatePoint entity. In the context of a response surface based optimization, the output values are updated from the response surface.

Required Arguments

Expression    Assigned Expression (value or quantity).
    Type     string
Parameter    DataReference of the parameter.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to set the expression for one parameter in an existing custom candidate point.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    customCandidatePoint = model.GetCustomCandidatePoint(Name="CustomCandidatePoint 1")
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    customCandidatePoint.SetParameter(Parameter=inputParameter1, Expression="2.01")
    inputParameter2 = model.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    customCandidatePoint.SetParameter(Parameter=inputParameter2, Expression="2.1 [m]")


Sets the expression of several parameters in a CustomCandidatePoint entity. In the context of a response surface based optimization, the output values are updated from the response surface.

Required Arguments

Expressions    Dictionary of the parameters and their assigned expressions.
    Type     IDictionary<DataReference, string>

The following example shows how to set the expression for several parameters in an existing custom candidate point.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    customCandidatePoint = model.GetCustomCandidatePoint(Name="CustomCandidatePoint 1")
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    customCandidatePoint.SetParameter(Parameter=inputParameter1, Expression="2.01")
    inputParameter2 = model.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    customCandidatePoint.SetParameters(Expressions={inputParameter1: "2.01", inputParameter2: "15.5 [m]"})


Updates a point entity to provide the output parameter values of the requested source. If the requested source is ResponseSurface, the output values are generated by evaluating the response surface model, if available. If the requested source is Simulation, the output values are generated by triggering a DesignPoint update. This command applies to CandidatePoint and CustomCandidatePoint entities.

Return     The dictionary of parameters with their values.
    Type     ReadOnlyDictionary<DataReference, Object>

Optional Arguments

Source    Source of output values to produce. The update method depends on this parameter.
    Type     OutputSource
    Default Value    Simulation

The following example shows how to update an existing candidate point to obtain Simulation output values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    candidate1 = container.GetCandidatePoint(Name="CandidatePoint 1")
    outputValues = candidate1.Update(Source="Simulation")


The data entity which describes a "Design Points vs. Parameters" chart. It provides a 2D chart with two Y axes and two X axes to display Design Points versus Parameter and/or Parameter versus Parameter curves.



Dictionary of the parameters associated to axes

Type     Dictionary<ChartAxes, DataReference>
Read Only    Yes

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Associates a Parameter to the specified axis of the chart. The Parameter argument can be omitted which means that the axis is not set.

Required Arguments

Axis    Axis to modify.
    Type     ChartAxes

Optional Arguments

Parameter    Parameter entity to be assigned to the specified axis.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to assign parameters to the axes of a DesignPointsCurves chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    inputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    outputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P5")
    outputParam2 = model.GetParam(Name="P6")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Design Point vs Parameter 1")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=inputParam1, Axis="XAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam1, Axis="YAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam2, Axis="YRightAxis")


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a Parameters Parallel chart. It allows you to visualize the DOE matrix using parallel Y axes to represent all of the input and output parameters on the same 2D representation, whatever the number of parameters.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes the Determination Histogram chart. It allows you to visualize the coefficient of determination (linear or quadratic) of each input for an output parameter.



Dictionary of the parameters associated to axes.

Type     Dictionary<ChartAxes, DataReference>
Read Only    Yes

Determination type, either Linear or Quadratic.

Type     DeterminationCoefficientChartModes
Read Only    No

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Full Model R2 value.

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Threshold value of R2: the chart displays only input parameters with a coefficient of determination is greater than thus threshold.

Type     double
Read Only    No



Associates a Parameter to the specified axis of the chart. The Parameter argument can be omitted which means that the axis is not set.

Required Arguments

Axis    Axis to modify.
    Type     ChartAxes

Optional Arguments

Parameter    Parameter entity to be assigned to the specified axis.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to assign parameters to the axes of a DesignPointsCurves chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    inputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    outputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P5")
    outputParam2 = model.GetParam(Name="P6")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Design Point vs Parameter 1")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=inputParam1, Axis="XAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam1, Axis="YAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam2, Axis="YRightAxis")


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a Determination Matrix chart. This matrix allows you to visualize how the input and output parameters are coupled in a quadratic regression.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The entity which describes a parameter's Distribution chart. This chart is always associated with an uncertainty parameter and allows you to visualize the statistical distribution defined or calculated for this parameter.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The parameter entity associated with the chart.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No



Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


Entity which manages the Goodness Of Fit Information of a Response Surface for an Output Parameter



The measure of the likelihood that a confidence interval contains the quantity or parameter being estimated

Type     double
Read Only    No

A Dictionary holding the values of all discrete input. Note: Discrete parameter values are level values, not indices.

Type     Dictionary<DataReference, Object>
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



For the standard response surface only (Full second order Polynomials), creates an Advanced Goodness of Fit report for any direct output parameter.

Return     A string which contains the generated Advanced Goodness of Fit report.
    Type     string

Required Arguments

Parameter    Parent Parameter of the report.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

PlainTextFormat    Plain text formatting instead of HTML (default).
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how to create an Advanced Goodness of Fit report.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    gof1 = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GoodnessOfFit")
    outputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P4")
    report1 = gof1.CreateAdvancedReport(Parameter=outputParameter1)


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Sets the Expression of a discrete input parameter in a GoodnessOfFit and updates the associated output parameter values. The chart entities depending on the GoodnessOfFit are updated as well.

Required Arguments

DiscreteParameter    DataReference of the Discrete Input parameter.
    Type     DataReference
Expression    Assigned Expression (discrete value).
    Type     string

The following example shows how to set the expression for one discrete parameter in an existing GoodnessOfFit.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    gof = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="Goodness Of Fit")
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    gof.SetDiscreteParameter(DiscreteParameter=inputParameter1, Expression="15")


Updates the goodness of fit and the results which depend on it. If the goodness of fit is already uptodate, nothing is done unless the Force flag is set to True.

Optional Arguments

Force    Set to true if the update operation of the goodness of fit point is required even if it's already uptodate.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how to update an existing GoodnessOfFit.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    gof1 = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GOF 1")


The data entity which describes an History chart. It allows you to visualize how a parameter evolves during the optimization process, point by point or iteration by iteration depending on the optimizer. Defined target and constraints values are also represented.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a Local Sensitivity chart. It allows you to visualize the impact that changing each input parameter independently has on the output parameters. A Local Sensitivity chart accepts two different graphical modes -BarChart and PieChart- and supports enabling/disabling input and/or output parameters. A Local Sensitivity depends on a Response Point which serves as a reference point for sensitivity computation.



Axes range for output parameters controls if the range is determined from the chart's data or the min-max of outputs.

Type     AxesRangeModes
Read Only    No

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specifies the graphical representation used to render local sensitivity data. It can be either BarChart or PieChart.

Type     SensitivityChartModes
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a Local Sensitivity Curves chart. It allows you to visualize the impact that changing each input parameter independently has on the output parameters. It allows you to visualize one or two output parameters at the same time. A Local Sensitivity Curves chart supports enabling and disabling input parameters. A Local Sensitivity Curves depends on a Response Point which serves as a reference point for computation of the sensitivity.



Dictionary of the parameters associated to axes.

Type     Dictionary<ChartAxes, DataReference>
Read Only    Yes

Axes range for output parameters controls if the range is determined from the chart's data or the min-max of outputs.

Type     AxesRangeModes
Read Only    No

Chart resolution.

Type     int
Read Only    No

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Associates a Parameter to the specified axis of the chart. The Parameter argument can be omitted which means that the axis is not set.

Required Arguments

Axis    Axis to modify.
    Type     ChartAxes

Optional Arguments

Parameter    Parameter entity to be assigned to the specified axis.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to assign parameters to the axes of a DesignPointsCurves chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    inputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    outputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P5")
    outputParam2 = model.GetParam(Name="P6")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Design Point vs Parameter 1")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=inputParam1, Axis="XAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam1, Axis="YAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam2, Axis="YRightAxis")


Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


Entity which manages the calculated Statistics of a parameter for a Six-Sigma Component



The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Shannon Entropy value (Complexity)

Type     double
Read Only    No

DataReference of the Inverse Probability ParametricTable for the associated parameter

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Kurtosis value

Type     double
Read Only    No

Mean value

Type     double
Read Only    No

DataReference of the input or output parameter associated with this statistics entity.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Probability Maximum value

Type     double
Read Only    No

Probability Minimum value

Type     double
Read Only    No

DataReference of the Probability ParametricTable for the associated parameter

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Quantile Maximum value

Type     double
Read Only    No

Quantile Minimum value

Type     double
Read Only    No

Sigma Maximum value

Type     double
Read Only    No

Sigma Minimum value

Type     double
Read Only    No

Signal-Noise Ratio value (Larger is Better)

Type     double
Read Only    No

Signal-Noise Ratio value (Nominal is Best)

Type     double
Read Only    No

Signal-Noise Ratio value (Smaller is Better)

Type     double
Read Only    No

Skewness value

Type     double
Read Only    No

Standard Deviation value

Type     double
Read Only    No

DataReference of the statistics chart for the associated parameter

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Type of the probability table

Type     SixSigmaTableTypes
Read Only    No


ParametricTable entity used to encapsulate most of the evaluation results in a convenient 2D matrix format.



Number of columns.

Type     int
Read Only    Yes

Number of rows.

Type     int
Read Only    Yes

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No



Adds a row to the bottom of a ParametricTable entity.

Optional Arguments

RowValues    New values for the row.
    Type     List<string>

The following example shows how to make a DOE editable, to retrieve the table of design points and add a new row to it.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Delete rows from a ParametricTable entity.

Required Arguments

Indices    Indices of the rows to delete.
    Type     List<int>

The following example shows how to delete rows from the DOEmatrix in a custom DOE context.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Export a table of snapshots as an archive.

Required Arguments

FilePath    The exported file name.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can export a table of snapshots as an archive.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RBU")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable1 = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Get the Value of a ParametricTable's cell. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The value of the cell.
    Type     string

Required Arguments

ColumnIndex    ColumnIndex (zero-based) of the cell.
    Type     int
RowIndex    RowIndex (zero-based) of the cell.
    Type     int

The following example shows how the user can get the value of the ParametricTable's cell [0,3].

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    cellValue = parametricTable.GetCellValue(RowIndex=0,ColumnIndex=3)


Get the Rom snapshot's name value of a row in a ParametricTable. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The value of the Rom snapshot's name.
    Type     string

Required Arguments

RowIndex    RowIndex (zero-based) of the cell.
    Type     int

The following example shows how to get the Rom snapshot's name value of row [3] in the ParametricTable.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RBU")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable1 = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    snapshotName = parametricTable1.GetRowRomSnapshotName(RowIndex=3)


Get the Update Order value of a row in a ParametricTable. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The value of the update order.
    Type     double

Required Arguments

RowIndex    RowIndex (zero-based) of the cell.
    Type     int

The following example shows how to get the Update Order value of row [3] in the ParametricTable.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    updateOrderValue = parametricTable.GetRowUpdateOrder(RowIndex=3)


Get the Values of a ParametricTable's row. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     List of the values of the specified row.
    Type     List<string>

Required Arguments

RowIndex    RowIndex (zero-based) of the row to retrieve.
    Type     int

The following example shows how the user can get the values of the 4th ParametricTable's row.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    rowValues = parametricTable.GetRowValues(RowIndex=3)


Optimizes the Update Order of Design Points to minimize the number of modifications between two consecutive Design Points. This command applies to the "DesignPoints" ParametricTable of a Design of Experiments model or of a Response Surface in a manual refinement context. It also applies to the "VerificationPoints" ParametricTable of a Response Surface model.


The following example shows how to optimize the update order of the DesignPoints table in a Design of Experiments model.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Sets the value of a ParametricTable cell. If the table is read-only, the command has no effect.

Required Arguments

ColumnIndex    Zero-based column index of the cell.
    Type     int
RowIndex    Zero-based row index of the cell.
    Type     int
Value    New value of the cell.
    Type     string

The following example shows how to set the value of the DesignPoints table in a custom DOE context.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetCellValue(RowIndex=0, ColumnIndex=0, Value="12.5 [mm]")


Sets the values of the output parameters as Editable (Editable=True) or Calculated (Editable=False) for the complete table, or a set of rows specified by the RowIndices argument. This command is applicable to the "DesignPoints" ParametricTable of a Design of Experiments model in a custom context (DOEType is "eDOETYPE_USER" or "eDOETYPE_CUSTOM_OSFD"), of a Correlation model is a custom context (SamplingType is "eCustom"), or of a Response Surface model in a manual refinement context. It also applies to the "VerificationPoints" ParametricTable of a Response Surface model.

Required Arguments

Editable    True to define output values as Editable, or False to mark output values as calculated.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

RowIndices    Optional list of row zero-based indices. If this argument is not specified, the command applies to the complete ParametricTable.
    Type     List<int>

The following example shows how to switch a DOE model to the custom mode and then set the output values as editable for the first three design points of the DOE matrix.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetOutputValuesEditable(Editable=True, RowIndices=[0,1,2])


Sets the Rom Snapshot's name value for a row in a ParametricTable. If the table doesn't support Rom functionality, the command has no effect.

Required Arguments

RowIndex    Zero-based row index of the cell.
    Type     int
SnapshotName    New value of the Rom snapshot's name.
    Type     string

The following example shows how to set the Rom Snapshot's name value of the DesignPoints table in a Design of Experiments model.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RBU")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable1 = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Sets the Update Order value for a row in a ParametricTable. If the table doesn't support Update Order functionality, the command has no effect.

Required Arguments

RowIndex    Zero-based row index of the cell.
    Type     int
UpdateOrder    New value of the update order.
    Type     double

The following example shows how to set the Update Order value of the DesignPoints table in a Design of Experiments model.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetRowUpdateOrder(RowIndex=0, Value="2.0")


Sets the values of a ParametricTable's row. If the table is read-only, the command has no effect.

Required Arguments

RowIndex    Zero-based row index of the cell.
    Type     int
RowValues    New values for the row.
    Type     List<string>

The following example shows how to set the values of the DesignPoints table in a custom DOE context.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetRowValues(RowIndex=0, RowValues=[ "12.5 [mm]", "1" ] )


Sets a value for the UpdateOrder property of all Design Points using sorting settings. This command applies to the "DesignPoints" ParametricTable of a Design of Experiments model or of a Response Surface in a manual refinement context. It also applies to the "VerificationPoints" ParametricTable of a Response Surface model.

Optional Arguments

SortBy    Definition of the sort.
    Type     List<string>

The following example shows how to set the update order of the DesignPoints table in a Design of Experiments model. The Design Points are sorted first by their values for the parameter P3 (in ascending order), and then by their values for the parameter P1 (in descending order).

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetUpdateOrderByRow(SortBy=["P3:+", "P1:-"])


Updates the design points held in rows from a ParametricTable entity and the results which depend on it.

Required Arguments

Indices    Indices of the rows to update.
    Type     List<int>

The following example shows how to update the design points from the VerificationPoints Table.

    responseSurface1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    responseSurfaceModel1 = responseSurface1.GetModel()
    parametricTable1 = responseSurfaceModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="VerificationPoints")


The data entity which describes a PredictedvsObserved Scatter chart. This scatter chart allows the user to visualize the predicted output values versus observed output values for all design points used to compute the response surface.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Option to display the design points.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Option to display the verification points.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a PredictionError Scatter chart. This scatter chart allows the user to visualize per region or for all regions, the metric errors versus all design points used to compute the ROM.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

No details are provided for this entry.

Type     MetricErrorScatterType
Read Only    No

Field to Show

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Region to Show

Type     string
Read Only    No

Scatter Type

Type     PredictionErrorScatterType
Read Only    No

Option to display the design points.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Option to display the verification points.

Type     bool
Read Only    No


The data entity which describes a Response chart. It allows you to visualize the impact that changing each input parameter has on the selected output parameter. It has three Modes - 2D, 3D and 2DSlices - allowing you to vary one or two input parameters at the same time. A Response depends on a Response Point which serves as a reference point for non-varying input parameters.



Dictionary of the parameters associated to axes

Type     Dictionary<ChartAxes, DataReference>
Read Only    Yes

Chart resolution along the X axis.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Chart resolution along the Y axis.

Type     int
Read Only    No

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Response chart mode: 2D, 3D or 2D Slices.

Type     ResponseChartModes
Read Only    No

Number of slices for the 2D Slices mode.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Option to display the design points of the DOE and the refinement points.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Associates a Parameter to the specified axis of the chart. The Parameter argument can be omitted which means that the axis is not set.

Required Arguments

Axis    Axis to modify.
    Type     ChartAxes

Optional Arguments

Parameter    Parameter entity to be assigned to the specified axis.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to assign parameters to the axes of a DesignPointsCurves chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    inputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    outputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P5")
    outputParam2 = model.GetParam(Name="P6")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Design Point vs Parameter 1")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=inputParam1, Axis="XAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam1, Axis="YAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam2, Axis="YRightAxis")


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The ResponsePoint data entity: a design point for which output values are computed from a Response Surface.



The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

A Dictionary of the input parameter values defining the response point and the corresponding output parameter values predicted from the response surface. Note that for discrete parameters and continuous parameters using manufacturable values, the Dictionary contains the value of the level rather than its index.

Type     Dictionary<DataReference, Object>
Read Only    No

User notes about the response point.

Type     string
Read Only    No



Creates a Chart entity attached to the Response Point. This chart is updated automatically when the parameter values of the ResponsePoint change. It is deleted automatically when the ResponsePoint is deleted. The chart must be updated once after its creation by invoking its Update method. Then changes to its properties or its parent ResponsePoint will update the chart automatically.

Return     The DataReference of the Chart.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

ChartType    Type of chart to be created. The possible values are "eChartLocalSensitivity", "eChartLocalSensitivityCurves", "eChartResponse" and "eChartSpiderResponses"
    Type     ChartType

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    DisplayText of the chart. If not specified, a default name is applied, depending on the value of ChartType.
    Type     string

The following example shows how to create a ResponsePoint chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    responsePoint = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")
    spiderChart = responsePoint.CreateChart(ChartType="eChartSpiderResponses")


Duplicates a Chart entity attached to a Response Point. The chart must be updated once after its creation by invoking its Update method. Then changes to its properties will update the chart automatically.

Return     The DataReference of the Chart.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Chart    The source chart to duplicate.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    Displayed name of the chart. If not specified, a default name is applied, depending on the value of ChartType.
    Type     string
TargetResponsePoint    ResponsePoint on which the duplicated chart is created. If this parameter is not set, the response point of the source chart is used.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to duplicate a chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    responsePoint = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")
    spiderChart = responsePoint.GetChart(Name="Spider")
    spiderChart2 = responsePoint.DuplicateChart(Chart=spiderChart)


Get the DataReference of a Chart from a ResponsePoint. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the Chart entity.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name of the chart
    Type     string

The following example shows how to retrieve an existing Chart from a ResponsePoint.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    rp = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")
    chart = rp.GetChart(Name="SpiderChart 1")


Get the DataReferences of the Charts from a ResponsePoint.

Return     The DataReferences of the Chart entities.
    Type     DataReferenceSet

The following example shows how to retrieve all the charts defined for a ResponsePoint.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    rp = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")
    charts = rp.GetCharts()


Sets the Expression of several discrete input parameters in a GoodnessOfFit and updates the associated output parameter values. The chart depending on the GoodnessOfFit is updated as well.

Required Arguments

Expressions    Dictionary of the discrete input parameters and their assigned expressions.
    Type     Dictionary<DataReference, string>

The following example shows how to set the expression for several discrete input parameters in an existing GoodnessOfFit.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    gof = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="Goodness Of Fit 1")
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    inputParameter2 = model.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    gof.SetDiscreteParameters(Expressions={inputParameter1: "2", inputParameter2: "15"})


Sets the Expression of an input parameter in a ResponsePoint and updates the associated output parameter values. If there are chart entities depending on the ResponsePoint, they are updated as well.

Required Arguments

Expression    Assigned Expression (value or quantity).
    Type     string
Parameter    DataReference of the Input parameter.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to set the expression for one parameter in an existing ResponsePoint.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    rp = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    rp.SetParameter(Parameter=inputParameter1, Expression="2.01")
    inputParameter2 = model.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    rp.SetParameter(Parameter=inputParameter2,Expression="2.1 [m]")


Sets the Expression of several input parameters in a ResponsePoint and updates the associated output parameter values. If there are chart entities depending on the ResponsePoint, they are updated as well.

Required Arguments

Expressions    Dictionary of the input parameters and their assigned expressions.
    Type     Dictionary<DataReference, string>

The following example shows how to set the expression for several input parameters in an existing ResponsePoint.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    rp = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    inputParameter2 = model.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    rp.SetParameters(Expressions={inputParameter1: "2.01", inputParameter2: "15.5 [m]"})


Updates the response point and the results which depend on it. If the reponse point is already uptodate, nothing is done unless the Force flag is set to True.

Optional Arguments

Force    Set to true if the update operation of the response point is required even if it's already uptodate.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how to update an existing ResponsePoint.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    rp = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")


The data entity which describes the Samples chart. It allows you to explore the samples generated for an Optimization study by using parallel Y axes to represent all of the input and output parameters on the same 2D representation, whatever the number of parameters. It can filter the number of visible Pareto Fronts and supports two Modes: Candidates or Pareto Fronts.



Coloring method used to draw the chart.

Type     ChartColoringMethods
Read Only    No

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Samples chart mode.

Type     SamplesChartModes
Read Only    No

Number of Pareto fronts to display. This is used as a filter to display only the most interesting fronts, given an optimization study.

Type     uint
Read Only    No

If True, any infeasible points are displayed on the chart.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a Sensitivities chart. It allows you to visualize the global sensitivities of each output with respect to the input parameters. A Sensitivities chart has two different graphical modes -BarChart and PieChart- and supports enabling/disabling input and/or output parameters.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specifies the graphical representation used to render local sensitivity data. It can be either BarChart or PieChart.

Type     SensitivityChartModes
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes a Spider chart. It allows you to visualize the impact that changing the input parameters has on all output parameters simultaneously. A Spider chart depends on a Response Point and shows the same values as its parent Response Point.



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Enable or disable a list of parameters in a chart.

Required Arguments

IsEnabled    False to disable the parameters, or True (default) to enable them.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Parameters    Parameters to enable or disable, or all parameters if not specified.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to disable two parameters, and then how to enable all parameters by omitting the Parameters optional parameter. This example uses a Correlation Matrix chart. The method also applies for other types of charts like LocalSensitivity, SpiderChart, etc.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Correlation")
    model = container.GetModel()
    param1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    param4 = model.GetParam(Name="P4")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Correlation Matrix 1")
    chart.EnableParameters( Parameters=[param1;param4], IsEnabled=false )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The StatisticsChart shows the Probability Distribution Function and Cumulative Distribution Function results of a Six Sigma analysis



If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")


The data entity which describes the Tradeoff chart. It allows you to visualize the samples used in an optimization study and the Pareto fronts associated with them, if any. It supports the exploration of the generated samples in a 2D or 3D Mode, and can filter the number of visible Pareto Fronts.



Dictionary of the parameters associated to axes.

Type     Dictionary<ChartAxes, DataReference>
Read Only    Yes

If True, the legend of the chart contains the full name of the parameters. Otherwise it contains the short name such as "P1".

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Chart mode, either 2D or 3D.

Type     TradeoffChartModes
Read Only    No

Number of Pareto front to display. This is used as a filter to display only the most interesting fronts, given an optimization study.

Type     uint
Read Only    No

If True, any infeasible points are displayed on the chart.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Associates a Parameter to the specified axis of the chart. The Parameter argument can be omitted which means that the axis is not set.

Required Arguments

Axis    Axis to modify.
    Type     ChartAxes

Optional Arguments

Parameter    Parameter entity to be assigned to the specified axis.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to assign parameters to the axes of a DesignPointsCurves chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    inputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P1")
    outputParam1 = model.GetParam(Name="P5")
    outputParam2 = model.GetParam(Name="P6")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="Design Point vs Parameter 1")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=inputParam1, Axis="XAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam1, Axis="YAxis")
    chart.AssociateParameterToAxis(Parameter=outputParam2, Axis="YRightAxis")


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Updates the chart by generating all results or data required to plot it. If the chart is already up-to-date, nothing is done by default.


The following example shows how to update a Tradeoff chart. The same code applies to all other types of charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")