Engineering Data Favorite Items

Engineering Data Favorite Items
The container used by Engineering Data to maintain favorite items.



Returns a material of a given name from a container.

The name matching is case insensitive. If a material is not found an exception is thrown.

Return    The material that matches the specified name.
    Type    DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the material. This argument is case insensitive.
    Type    string

The following example creates a new Engineering Data system and queries the default material, Structural Steel.

    template = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system = template.CreateSystem(Position="Default")
    container = system.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    structuralSteel = container.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")


Returns the list of materials in a container. If no materials are in the container, the list is empty.

Return     A DataReferenceSet of the materials in the container.
    Type     DataReferenceSet


Populates the favorite items container with the user's favorite items.

Returns the favorite items container.

Return    The favorite items container.
    Type    DataContainerReference

The following example creates a new Engineering Data system and queries the default material, Structural Steel.

    template = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system = template.CreateSystem(Position="Default")
    favoritesContainer = EngData.LoadFavoriteItems()
    structuralSteel = favoritesContainer.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")

Data Entities


The entity to store material information.



The description of the material.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The display name of the material.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The path of the material's source file ("*.engd" or "*.xml").

Type     string
Read Only    Yes

The reference for the material's source file ("*.engd" or "*.xml").

Type     DataReference
Read Only    Yes



Adds an item to the Favorites item list.


Includes a physical quantity or the constitutive relation for the physical response of a material. A property can be visualized as one or more tables of data made up of one or more dependent and independent variables.

The material property is created based on the specified optional parameters "Definition" and "Behavior".

Return    Created material properly.
    Type    DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The new material property name.
    Type    string

Optional Arguments

Behavior    The optional string to identify the way in which a new material property will behave.
  Behavior of some material properties can be specified in different ways, e.g., Elasticity can be specified as Isotropic, Orthotropic or Anisotropic.
    Type    string
CustomData    The optional dictionary of custom data. A non-null dictionary designates the material property as custom and not located in the Engineering Data Metadata.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>
Definition    The optional string to identify the way in which new material property will be defined.
  Some material properties are defined in different ways, e.g., Thermal Expansion can be defined as Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion.
    Type    string
Qualifiers    The optional dictionary of a qualifier name and it's corresponding value.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>

The following example creates a new Engineering Data system and adds Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Elasticity material properties to the default material Structural Steel.

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion is created using Secant definition and Orthotropic behavior. Elasticity is created using Orthotropic behavior.

    ENGDTemplate = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    ENGDSystem = ENGDTemplate.CreateSystem(Position="Default")
    ENGDContainer = ENGDSystem.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    StructSteel = ENGDContainer.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    # Create material properties 
    CTEProperty = StructSteel.CreateProperty(
       Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion",
    OrthoElasProperty = StructSteel.CreateProperty(


Deletes the material.


Duplicates the data in this material and returns a new material. The name of the new material will be appended with a numerical value to make it unique.

Return     The material data reference of the duplicated material.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

TargetContainer    The duplicated material will be added to this container.
    Type     DataContainerReference

Gets a FieldVariableDataObject from the specified parent. The parent determines which field variables are tied to the data object

Return     DataReference of the field variable.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name of the field variable.
    Type     string

    template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system1 = template1.CreateSystem()
    engineeringData1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    structuralSteel = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    temperature = structuralSteel.GetFieldVariableDataObject(Name="Temperature")


Returns a material property of a given name from the specified material.

Return     The material property that matches the specified name.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the material property.
    Type     string

The following example creates new Engineering Data system and queries Coefficient of Thermal Expansion property of the default material Structural Steel.

    ENGDTemplate = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    ENGDSystem = ENGDTemplate.CreateSystem(Position="Default")
    ENGDContainer = ENGDSystem.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    StructSteel = ENGDContainer.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    # Get material property
    CTEProperty = StructSteel.GetProperty(Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion")


Checks if an entity is suppressed.

Valid entities are:

Material Property
Material Property Data

Return    Returns true if the entity is suppressed, false otherwise.
    Type    bool

Validates a material data and provides a message in case of invalid data.

Return     The flag that indicates if the material is valid.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

Message    The validation failure message.
    Type     Output<string>

This will repopulate the contents of a material with data from a given source. The NameInSource property of a Material will be used to find a match in the source to pull data from. In the event that NameInSource is not set, the DisplayName property will be used instead.

Note: This operation will cause destruction of any data currently in the material.

    template = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system = template.CreateSystem(Position="Default")
    container = system.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    structSteel = container.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    density = structSteel.GetProperty(Name="Density")
    restoredDensity = structSteel.GetProperty(Name="Density")
    restoredDensity.SetData(SheetName="", Index=0, Variables=["Density"], Values=[["8000 [kg m^-3]"]])

Required Arguments

Source    The path of the source file.
    Type    string

Removes an item from the Favorite items list.

Optional Arguments

Format     The format of the file that contains the item.
    Type     string
Material     A DataReference to the Material to delete.
    Type     DataReference
Name     The name of the item to delete.
    Type     string
Source     The location of the file that contains the item on disk.
    Type     string
Type     The type of the object to delete. This is either a Material or a Mixture.
    Type     EngineeringDataType

The following example gets the list of favorites from Engineering Data. It then selects and deletes the "Gray Cast Iron" material from the list.

    favorites = EngData.LoadFavoriteItems()
    matl = favorites.GetMaterial(Name="Gray Cast Iron")


This will specify the material to use (or not use) for parts in the model which are marked as a fluid.

If the material is in the Engineering Data component it will set or unset the material to be used in the model component of the system(s) that contain this Engineering Data component.

If the material is contained in Favorites it will set or unset the material to use as the default on fluids in the Engineering Data component when a new system is added to the project.

The material is set as the default in Favorites. It will automatically be added to the list of project defaults.

Optional Arguments

Default    This Boolean is used to set or unset the material as the default.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    True

This will specify the material to use (or not use) for parts in the model which are marked as a solid.

If the material is in the Engineering Data component it will set or unset the material to be used in the model component of the system(s) that contain this Engineering Data component.

If the material is contained in Favorites it will set or unset the material to use as the default on solids in the Engineering Data component when a new system is added to the project.

The material is set as the default in Favorites. It will automatically be added to the list of project defaults.

Optional Arguments

Default    This Boolean is used to set or unset the material as the default.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    True

Add a new 'Color' property in a material.

Required Arguments

Blue    Blue component of the color assigned to material.
    Type     int
Green    Green component of the color assigned to material.
    Type     int
Red    Red component of the color assigned to material.
    Type     int

    template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system1 = template1.CreateSystem()
    engineeringData1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    structuralSteel = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    structuralSteel.SetColor(Material="strucutralSteel", Red="255", Green="0", Blue="0")


Set option for an "Option" variable

Required Arguments

OptionName    Option to set
    Type     string
OptionValue    Value for option
    Type     string

Suppresses or Unsuppresses item.

Item can be suppressed to prevent it from being sent to a downstream cell in the system.

Following items can be suppressed:


Material property

Material property data

Required Arguments

Suppressed    The flag to specify if the item should be suppressed or unsuppressed.
    Type    bool

Unlinks a material from its underlying source. Once this occurs, the material can no longer be restored to its original state and the material will no longer have a source.


The entity to store material property information.

A material property is the identifier for the singular information (for example, Density) that together with other properties defines or models the behavior of the material. A property is always defined by at least one table (tabular data), which could be singular. Some properties can contain a collection of tabular data (for example, Isotropic Elasticity).



The string that defines the way in which the material property behaves, e.g., Elasticity has Isotropic, Orthotropic or Anisotropic behavior.

Type    string
Read Only    No

The definition of the material property. Some material properties are defined in different ways, e.g., Thermal Expansion can be defined as Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion.

Type    string
Read Only    No

The description of the material property.

Type    string
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type    string
Read Only    No

The collection of tabular data that defines the material property.

Type    DataReferenceSet
Read Only    Yes

The name of the material property.

Type    string
Read Only    No



Includes experimental test data for response function calculations.

Required Arguments

TestData    The test data property to add.
    Type    DataReference

Marks the start of a series of data modifications to a table of data, to improve performance.


Include an additional property data for a material property. Some properties may have more than one property data to describe the material property.

The preferred method of adding a material property data is to use CreateMaterialProperty.

Return    The new material properly data that was created.
    Type    DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The new material property data name.
    Type    string

Optional Arguments

Behavior    A string to identify how the new material property data will behave.
  The behavior of some material properties can be specified in different ways, e.g., Elasticity can be specified as Isotropic, Orthotropic or Anisotropic.
    Type    string
CustomData    The optional dictionary of custom data. A non-null dictionary designates the material property as custom and not located in the Engineering Data Metadata.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>
Definition    A string to identify how the new material property data will be defined.
  Some material properties are defined in different ways, e.g., Thermal Expansion can be defined as Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion.
    Type    string
Qualifiers    The optional dictionary of a qualifier name and it's corresponding value.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>

The following example creates the material property data Orthotropic Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion on the material property Coefficient of Thermal Expansion. This example assumes the material Structural Steel has been obtained from the General Materials library.

Get the material property we are going to create a new material property data on.

    thermExpansionMatProp = structuralSteel.GetMaterialProperty(Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion")

Create the new material property data.

    orthoSecantThermExpansionMatPropData = thermExpansionMatProp.CreatePropertyData(
        Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion",


Deletes the material property.

Optional Arguments

Behavior    The optional string to specify the material property behavior.
  Behavior of some material properties can be specified in different ways e.g. Elasticity can be specified as Isotropic, Orthotropic or Anisotropic.
    Type    string
Definition    The optional string to specify the material property definition.
  Some material properties are defined in different ways e.g. Thermal Expansion can be defined as Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion.
    Type    string

Delete a row from a tabular data sheet.

Required Arguments

Index    Index of the row to delete.
    Type    int

Optional Arguments

SheetName    Name of the sheet to access.
    Type    string
SheetQualifiers    SheetQualifiers is used to pass in the qualifiers to select between multiple sheets witht the same name. This is a dictionary of the Qualifier and its Value.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>

The following example illustrates the deletion of a row from a tabular data sheet.

    # Create a new Engineering Data System and access Structural Steel
    template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system1 = template1.CreateSystem()
    engineeringData1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    matl1 = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    # Delete the first row in the Density property
    matlProp1 = matl1.GetProperty(Name="Density")
    DeleteTabularDataRow(matlProp1, Index = 0)
    # Delete the first row in the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion property with 
    # optional SheeetName and SheetQualifiers
    matlProp2 = matl1.GetProperty(Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion")
                      SheetName="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion",
                      SheetQualifiers={"Definition Method": "Secant", "Behavior": "Isotropic"},
                      Index = 0)


Marks the completion of a series of data modifications.


Returns a generated graph data for the specified source data.

Valid source data are:

Material Property
Material Property Data

Return    The graph data for the specified source data.
    Type    Dictionary<string, Object>

Returns the tabular data associated with the data entity.

Return    The returned data in scalar, list, or dictionary format.
    Type    Object

Optional Arguments

AsDictionary    If set to true, the data will be returned as a dictionary where the keys are variable names and the values are the data for each variable. If set to false, the data will be returned in scalar or list format without the variable names.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    False
ColumnMajor    If set to true, the data will be returned in column-major order. If set to false, the data will be returned in row-major order.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    True
EndIndex    The end index for requesting a subset of the data (zero-based).
    Type    int
    Default Value    -2147483647
SheetName    Specifies the sheet name when the data contains multiple sheets.
    Type    string
SheetQualifiers    Used to pass in the qualifiers to select between multiple sheets with the same name. This is a dictionary of qualifiers and values.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>
StartIndex    The start index for requesting a subset of the data (zero-based).
    Type    int
    Default Value    0
Variables    Names of the variables for which data is requested (string or list of strings).
    Type    Object

In this example, all data is requested for the given tabular data entity.


In this example, all data is requested in row-major order.


In this example, all data is requested in dictionary format.


In this example, data for variables Density and Temperature is requested in dictionary format.

    tabData1.GetData(Variables=["Density", "Temperature"], AsDictionary=True)


Returns a property data of the specified material property.

The property data returned is based on specified optional parameters "Definition" and "Behavior".

Return    The material property data that matches specified type name, definition and behavior.
    Type    DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The material property data type name.
    Type    string

Optional Arguments

Behavior    The optional string to specify the material property data behavior.
  Behavior of some material properties can be specified in different ways, e.g., Elasticity can be specified as Isotropic, Orthotropic or Anisotropic.
    Type    string
Definition    The optional string to specify the material property data definition.
  Some material properties are defined in different ways, e.g., Thermal Expansion can be defined as Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion.
    Type    string
Qualifiers    The optional dictionary of a qualifier name and it's corresponding value.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>

The following example creates new Engineering Data system and queries Coefficient of Thermal Expansion property data of the default material Structural Steel.

    ENGDTemplate = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    ENGDSystem = ENGDTemplate.CreateSystem(Position="Default")
    ENGDContainer = ENGDSystem.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    StructSteel = ENGDContainer.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    #Get material property
    CTEProperty = StructSteel.GetProperty(Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion")
    # Get material property data 
    CTEPropData = CTEProperty.GetPropertyData(
       Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion",
    RefTempPropData = CTEProperty.GetPropertyData(
       Name="Reference Temperature",


Checks if an entity is suppressed.

Valid entities are:

Material Property
Material Property Data

Return    Returns true if the entity is suppressed, false otherwise.
    Type    bool

Validates a material property and provides a message in case of invalid data.

Return    The flag that indicates if the material property is valid.
    Type    bool

Required Arguments

Material    The parent material of the property.
    Type    DataReference

Optional Arguments

Message    The validation failure message.
    Type    Output<string>

Excludes experimental test data for response function calculations.

Required Arguments

TestData    The test data property to add.
    Type    DataReference

Set tabular data associated with the data entity.

Optional Arguments

Data    Sets the data using a dictionary form. The keys are the variable names and the values are the data. The use of this argument is mutually exclusive with "Values" and "Variables".
    Type    Dictionary<string, List<Object>>
Index    Specifies the starting location used to set the data (zero-based). A value of -1 indicates that the data should be appended to the existing data.
    Type    int
    Default Value    0
SheetName    Specifies the sheet name when the data contains multiple sheets.
    Type    string
SheetQualifiers    Used to pass in the qualifiers to select between multiple sheets with the same name. This is a dictionary of qualifiers and values.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>
Values    List of data values set in conjunction with the "Variables" parameter. This parameter and the "Data" parameter are mutually exclusive.
    Type    List<List<Object>>
Variables    Names of the variables for which data is being set. This parameter and and the "Data" parameter are mutually exclusive.
    Type    List<string>

    # Create a new Engineering Data System and access Structural Steel
    template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system1 = template1.CreateSystem()
    engineeringData1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    matl1 = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    # Change the value of a simple single-valued property
    matlProp1 = matl1.GetProperty(Name="Density")
                      Values="8500 [kg m^-3]")
    # Set Temperature-dependent data for Elasticity based
    # on lists of variables and values.
    matlProp2 = matl1.GetProperty(Name="Elasticity")
    temperature = ["400 [K]", "600 [K]", "800 [K]"] 
    E = ["2e5 [MPa]", "1.9e5 [MPa]", "1.6e5 [MPa]"]
                      Variables = ["Temperature","Young's Modulus"],
                      Values = [temperature, E])
    # Change the Temperature for the second table entry.
                      Index = 1,
                      Variables = "Temperature",
                      Values = "625 [K]")
    # Set a list for Poisson's Ratio starting at the second table entry.
                      Index = 1,
                      Variables = "Poisson's Ratio",
                      Values = [0.3, 0.3])
    # Set Temperature-dependent property data for the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
    # using a dictionary. The dictionary key is the Variable name,
    # followed by the list of values for the variable.
    matlProp3 = matl1.GetProperty(Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion")
    newData = {"Temperature": ["200 [F]","400 [F]","600 [F]","800 [F]","1000 [F]"],                   
    "Coefficient of Thermal Expansion" : ["6.3e-6 [F^-1]", "7.0e-6 [F^-1]", 
                                          "7.46e-6 [F^-1]", "7.8e-6 [F^-1]", 
                                          "8.04e-6 [F^-1]"]}
                      SheetName="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion",
                      SheetQualifiers={"Definition Method": "Secant", "Behavior": "Isotropic"},
                      Data = newData)


Changes the values of a specifiec qualifier in a data table.

Required Arguments

Qualifier    The Qualifier to Set.
    Type    string
Value    The new value.
    Type    string

Optional Arguments

SheetName    The name of the tabular data sheet that contains the qualifier.
    Type    string
SheetQualifiers    SheetQualifiers can be used to pass in the qualifiers to select between multiple sheets witht the same name. This is a dictionary of the Qualifier and its Value.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>
VariableName    The name of the Variable that contains the qualifier to be changed.
    Type    string
VariableQualifiers    VariableQualifiers can used to pass in the qualifiers to select between multiple variables witht the same name. This is a dictionary of the Qualifier and its Value.
    Type    Dictionary<string, string>

The following example changes the 'Derive From' setting within an Isotropic Elasticity material property to be "Bulk Modulus and Poisson's Ratio".

    matl1 = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    matlProp1 = matl1.GetProperty(Name="Elasticity")
       Qualifier="Derive from",
       Value="Bulk Modulus and Poisson's Ratio")


Suppresses or Unsuppresses item.

Item can be suppressed to prevent it from being sent to a downstream cell in the system.

Following items can be suppressed:


Material property

Material property data

Required Arguments

Suppressed    The flag to specify if the item should be suppressed or unsuppressed.
    Type    bool


The entity to store material property (tabular) data information. The material property data is a collection of material variable data.



The behavior of the material variable tabular data. Some material properties can have different behavior, e.g., Elasticity has Isotropic, Orthotropic or Anisotropic behavior.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The definition of the material variable tabular data. Some material properties are defined in different ways, e.g., Thermal Expansion can be defined as Secant Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Instantaneous Coefficient of Thermal Expansion.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The collection of dependent variables in the material variable tabular data, e.g., Density.

Type     DataReferenceSet
Read Only    Yes

The description of the material variable tabular data.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The collection of independent variables in the material variable tabular data, e.g., Temperature.

Type     DataReferenceSet
Read Only    Yes

The primary independent variable in the material variable tabular data, e.g., Temperature.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    Yes

The number of data values for a variable in the material variable tabular data.

Type     int
Read Only    Yes

The name of the material variable tabular data.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The collection of variables in the material variable tabular data.

Type     DataReferenceSet
Read Only    Yes



Marks the start of a series of data modifications to a table of data, to improve performance.


Creates a curve fitting for a given property data.

Return     The curve fitting.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Definition    The definition of curve fitting to create. This must be a definition that is supported by an engineering data curve fitting.
  i.e. 1 Parameter, 2 Parameter, 1st Order, 2nd Order
    Type    string
Type    The type of curve fitting to create. This must be a type that is supported by an engineering data curve fitting.
  i.e. Neo-Hookean, Mooney-Rivlin, Ogden, Yeoh, Polynomial
    Type    string

The following example loads a material with experimental test data and a Neo-Hookean hyperelastic property.

    template = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system = template.CreateSystem()
    engineeringData = system.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    neopreneRubber = engineeringData.ReadMaterial(
        Name="Neoprene Rubber",
    neoHookeanProperty = neopreneRubber.GetProperty(Name="Neo-Hookean")
    neoHookeanPropertyData = neoHookeanProperty.GetPropertyData(Name="Neo-Hookean")
    curveFit = neoHookeanPropertyData.CreateCurveFitting(
    uniaxialProperty = neopreneRubber.GetProperty(Name="Uniaxial Test Data")
    biaxialProperty = neopreneRubber.GetProperty(Name="Biaxial Test Data")
    shearProperty = neopreneRubber.GetProperty(Name="Shear Test Data")
    volumetricProperty = neopreneRubber.GetProperty(Name="Volumetric Test Data")


Create a data provider for a give format. The only data provider currently supported is for Delimited Text (used to import tabular data from a delimited data file).

Return     DataReference of the DelimitedDataObject
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Format    Format of provider (only supported option is "Delimited Text")
    Type     string

    material1 = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    matlProp1 = material1.GetProperty(Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion")
    materialPropertyData1 = matlProp1.GetPropertyData(
    Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion",
    Qualifiers={"Definition": "Secant", "Behavior": "Isotropic"})
    dataProvider1 = materialPropertyData1.CreateDataProvider(Format="Delimited Text")
    dataProvider1.FileName = r"C:\Coefficient_of_thermal_expansion.csv"
    dataProvider1.ReadLine = 2
    dataProvider1.Columns = [1, 2]
    dataProvider1.Delimiter = ","
    dataProvider1.VariableNames = ["Temperature", "Coefficient of Thermal Expansion"]
    dataProvider1.VariableUnits = ["C", "C^-1"]


Include an additional variable in the property data for a material property.

Return     The new variable data that was created.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The new variable data name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

CustomData    The optional dictionary of custom data. A non-null dictionary designates the material property as custom and not located in the Engineering Data Metadata.
    Type     Dictionary<string, string>
Qualifiers    The optional dictionary of a qualifier name and it's corresponding value.
    Type     Dictionary<string, string>

    material1 = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    matlProp1 = material1.CreateProperty(
        Name="Custom Model",
        Qualifiers={"UserMat": "USER"},
    matlPropData1 = matlProp2.CreatePropertyData(
        Name="Model State Variables",
        Qualifiers={"UserMat": "STATE"},
    PropertyDataVariable1 = matlPropData1.CreateVariable(
        Name="User Variable",
        Qualifiers={"Display": "True", "UserMat Constant": "1"},
        CustomData={"Quantity Type": "Dimensionless", "Data": "0", "Independent": "False"})


Deletes the material property data.


Marks the completion of a series of data modifications.


Returns a generated graph data for the specified source data.

Valid source data are:

Material Property
Material Property Data

Return    The graph data for the specified source data.
    Type    Dictionary<string, Object>

Query to return the DataReference to the CurveFit used by some PropertyData.

Return     CurveFit DataReference
    Type     DataReference

Gets a FieldVariableDataObject from the specified parent. The parent determines which field variables are tied to the data object

Return     DataReference of the field variable.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name of the field variable.
    Type     string

    template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    system1 = template1.CreateSystem()
    engineeringData1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    structuralSteel = engineeringData1.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    temperature = structuralSteel.GetFieldVariableDataObject(Name="Temperature")


Returns a material variable of a given name from a material property data.

Return     The requested variable.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the variable.
    Type     string

The following example creates new Engineering Data system and queries Coefficient of Thermal Expansion property data of the default material Structural Steel.

    ENGDTemplate = GetTemplate(TemplateName="EngData")
    ENGDSystem = ENGDTemplate.CreateSystem(Position="Default")
    ENGDContainer = ENGDSystem.GetContainer(ComponentName="Engineering Data")
    StructSteel = ENGDContainer.GetMaterial(Name="Structural Steel")
    # Get material 
    CTEProperty = StructSteel.GetProperty(Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion")
    # Get material property data 
    CTEPropData = CTEProperty.GetPropertyData(
       Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion",
    # Get material variable 
    CTEVariable = CTEPropData.GetVariable(
       Name="Coefficient of Thermal Expansion")


Checks if an entity is suppressed.

Valid entities are:

Material Property
Material Property Data

Return    Returns true if the entity is suppressed, false otherwise.
    Type    bool

Validates a material property data and provides a message in case of invalid data.

Return     The flag that indicates if the material property data is valid.
    Type     bool

Required Arguments

Material    The parent material of the material property data.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

Message    The validation failure message.
    Type     Output<string>

Suppresses or Unsuppresses item.

Item can be suppressed to prevent it from being sent to a downstream cell in the system.

Following items can be suppressed:


Material property

Material property data

Required Arguments

Suppressed    The flag to specify if the item should be suppressed or unsuppressed.
    Type    bool