This container holds Setup data for an instance of FLUENT.



Copies the FLUENT Launcher Settings from one FLUENT Setup or Solution container to another FLUENT Setup or Solution container.


Opens the FLUENT editor to allow modification of FLUENT data.

This command will open the editor only if one is not already open on this system. If this system’s editor is already open and in interactive mode, then it will be raised to the front.


Exits the FLUENT editor.

If no editor is open on the component in question, this command will have no effect.


Returns the Data Entity which contains the Setup container's settings for the FLUENT Launcher.


Imports the FLUENT mesh and FLUENT case settings into the FLUENT editor from an existing FLUENT .msh or .cas file; replacing the current FLUENT mesh and FLUENT case settings. If the imported file contains only a mesh, then the FLUENT case settings will be set to FLUENT's default values.


Execute a scheme, FLUENT GUI, or FLUENT TUI command(s) in the currently open FLUENT session. FLUENT GUI commands cannot be run if the currently open FLUENT session is running in no GUI mode.

If the FLUENT editor is not open, it will throw an error message suggesting to start editor first.


The following code shows how to execute the commands in a FLUENT journal file:

    >> setup1.SendCommand(Command="/file/read-journal \"E:\\WB Projects\\Fluent Case-Data Files\elbow.jou\" " )

Data Entities


Entity representing a variable in Convergence Chart



Color of the curve represnting this variable entity.

Type     Color
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Line width of the curve represnting this variable entity.

Type     float
Read Only    No

The variable quantity to display.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Symbol size of the points on the curve.

Type     uint
Read Only    No



Deletes a specified chart variable.


Entity to store a convergence chart information.



Associated X Axis

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Associated Y Axis

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

MonitorChartType: Residual or UserDefined

Type     MonitorChartType
Read Only    No

Collection of variables to be plotted.

Type     DataReferenceSet
Read Only    No

Label for the x-axis/Horizontal Axis.

Type     string
Read Only    No



Returns the axis for a specified convergence chart

Return     The axis
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name of the Axis
    Type     string

Returns the chart variable of a given name from a convergence chart

Return     The chart variable that matches the specified name.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the chart variable.
    Type     string

Returns the collection of chart variables for a given convergence chart

Return     A collection of the variables in the chart.
    Type     DataReferenceSet


Allows you to specify FLUENT Launcher settings for Fluent Setup/Solution cells.



Specify whether or not you want to save the HP-MPI password for later use.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the compute cluster head node.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    string
Read Only    No

A custom submission policy created by an IT administrator to define the job parameters for an application and employed by the cluster users to submit jobs. Relevant for Microsoft Job Scheduler.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Used to set specific node group(s) on which to run the job. Relevant for Microsoft Job Scheduler.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Select the unit type (node/socket/core) on which the job would be running. Relevant for Microsoft Job Scheduler.

Type     ProcessorUnit
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to convert a local path to a UNC path if any matching shared directory is found.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to create the job submission XML file.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to show the mesh after the mesh file or the case/data file has been read into FLUENT.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to embed the graphics windows in the FLUENT application window, or to have the graphics windows free-standing.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify the list of environment variables to set before starting FLUENT.

Type     Dictionary<string, string>
Read Only    No

Specify which initialization method to use.

Type     InitializationMethods
Read Only    No

Spepcify the solution data file to be used for initializing the solution.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Specify the interconnect that you wish to use for parallel calculations

(e.g., ethernet, infiniband, etc.).

Type    string
Read Only    No

Use available Resource Manager (LSF, SGE, PBSPro) to launch FLUENT job

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    SchedulerSpecification
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the job submission XML file.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to show ACt Start Page.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify the interval of automatic checkpointing for LSF.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    int
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the LSF queue.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not you want to use automatic checkpointing with LSF. The specific interval for checkpointing is determined by the LSFCheckpointPeriod property.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the file that contains a list of machine names to run the parallel job.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Specify a list of machine names to run the parallel job.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Specify a list of machine names, or a file that contains machine names.

Type     MachineSpecification
Read Only    No

Specify the MPI type that you wish to use for the parallel calculations

(e.g., ibmmpi, intel, etc.).

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify the number of processors you wish to use for the parallel calculations (e.g., 2, 4, etc.).

Type     int
Read Only    No

Specify the number of processors you wish to use for the meshing parallel calculations (e.g., 2, 4, etc.).

Type     int
Read Only    No

Specify whether to use the single-precision or the double-precision solver.

Type     CasePrecision
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not you want to run FLUENT in PrePost mode, which only allows you to set up or postprocess a problem (i.e., no calculations can be performed)

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify the root path of the remote FLUENT Linux installation.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the head machine on the remote Linux cluster.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify the command to connect to the remote node (the default is SSH).

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    RshSpecification
Read Only    No

Specify the custom SSH spawn command used to connect to the remote Linux machine.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not you want to run your FLUENT simulation on 64-bit Linux machines.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to use the remote cluster head node that FLUENT will connect to for spawning (e.g., via rsh or ssh).

Use the RemoteHostName property to specify the name of the remote cluster head node.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to use a working directory for remote Linux nodes.

Use the RemoteWorkingDirectory property to specify the name of the working directory.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the working directory for remote Linux nodes.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not you want to run the parallel version of FLUENT.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not you want to define settings for compiling user-defined functions (UDFs) with FLUENT.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify the SGE parallel environment where you want to submit your FLUENT jobs.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the Qmaster host.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the queue where you want to submit your FLUENT jobs.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify SGE Settings to be used

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to use the specified SGE Settings.

Use the SGESettings property to specify the SGE Settings.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to show FLUENT Launcher when FLUENT starts.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the SLURM Account.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the SLURM Partition.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify the name of the SLURM Submission host.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to start the FLUENT job when resources are available.

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify the path to the UDF compilation script (available when SetupCompilationEnvironment is TRUE).

This property is only available on Windows.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to use a job scheduler to run FLUENT jobs.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to use LSF checkpointing.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to use the LSF queue.

This property is only available when using compute nodes on Linux.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to use shared memory on the local machine or to use distributed memory on a cluster.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not the current system's Solution cell should use FLUENT Launcher's property settings from the current system's Setup cell.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specify whether or not to use the Workbench color scheme in the graphics window, or the classic black background color.

Type     bool
Read Only    No


Entity which manages the setup of the ROM feature. This DataObject must be held by a solver addin container. The solver addin container will then be used as an identifier for the solver addin system.



The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Setup object that contains all the solver setup information.

Type     Setup
Read Only    No

Identification of the solver. The import of an evaluation archive will only be allowed if the solver that wrote the archive has the same name as the one consuming it.

Type     string
Read Only    Yes


Data entity of Setup cell. Allows you to change attributes of Setup cell.



The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Allows you to generate case file for Setup cell if mesh file is input or mesh operations are defined

Type     bool
Read Only    No


This entity handles the output produced by a solver addin. There is one instance of SolverSystemHandlerDataObject per registered solver system. It holds all the outputs coming from a solver system (snapshot files, mesh files, solver specific files).



No details are provided for this entry.

Type     ActionMode
Read Only    No

Indicate that the data for this system have been outdated by a non parametric change then approved as still valid by the user.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

No details are provided for this entry.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

Indicate that the data of this system are outdated and not usable.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

No details are provided for this entry.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    No

No details are provided for this entry.

Type     ProjectHandler
Read Only    No

No details are provided for this entry.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    Yes

Handle the snapshot cache of this solver system. Will be assigned only in Production, and null overwise.

Type     SnapshotCacheHandler
Read Only    No