DX GDO Response Surface

DX GDO Response Surface
This container holds Response Surface data for a Goal Driven Optimization.



Get the DataReference of the Model. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the Model.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how the user can get a Model to change one of its properties.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    dOEModel1.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_OSFD"

Data Entities


Entity which manages the Goodness Of Fit Information of a Response Surface for an Output Parameter



The measure of the likelihood that a confidence interval contains the quantity or parameter being estimated

Type     double
Read Only    No

A Dictionary holding the values of all discrete input. Note: Discrete parameter values are level values, not indices.

Type     Dictionary<DataReference, Object>
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



For the standard response surface only (Full second order Polynomials), creates an Advanced Goodness of Fit report for any direct output parameter.

Return     A string which contains the generated Advanced Goodness of Fit report.
    Type     string

Required Arguments

Parameter    Parent Parameter of the report.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

PlainTextFormat    Plain text formatting instead of HTML (default).
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how to create an Advanced Goodness of Fit report.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    gof1 = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GoodnessOfFit")
    outputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P4")
    report1 = gof1.CreateAdvancedReport(Parameter=outputParameter1)


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Sets the Expression of a discrete input parameter in a GoodnessOfFit and updates the associated output parameter values. The chart entities depending on the GoodnessOfFit are updated as well.

Required Arguments

DiscreteParameter    DataReference of the Discrete Input parameter.
    Type     DataReference
Expression    Assigned Expression (discrete value).
    Type     string

The following example shows how to set the expression for one discrete parameter in an existing GoodnessOfFit.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    gof = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="Goodness Of Fit")
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    gof.SetDiscreteParameter(DiscreteParameter=inputParameter1, Expression="15")


Updates the goodness of fit and the results which depend on it. If the goodness of fit is already uptodate, nothing is done unless the Force flag is set to True.

Optional Arguments

Force    Set to true if the update operation of the goodness of fit point is required even if it's already uptodate.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how to update an existing GoodnessOfFit.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    gof1 = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GOF 1")


The data entity which describes an Input Parameter in DesignXplorer.



First editable attribute of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter. The nature of the attribute depends on the distribution type. For instance, the first attribute of a Normal distribution is the Mean value.

Type     double
Read Only    No

Second editable attribute of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter. The nature of the attribute depends on the distribution type. For instance, the second attribute of a Normal distribution is the Standard Deviation value. Some distribution type do not have a second attribute.

Type     double
Read Only    No

Constant value of the Parameter when it is disabled.

Type     Object
Read Only    No

Custom Definition List

Type     List<DataReference>
Read Only    No

List of the discrete levels.

Type     List<DataReference>
Read Only    Yes

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Distribution lower bound of the variation range for an uncertainty Parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    No

Distribution type for an uncertainty parameter.

Type     DistributionType
Read Only    No

Distribution upper bound of the variation range for an uncertainty Parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    No

True if the Parameter is enabled for the current study.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Kurtosis value of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

Lower bound of the variation range for a Continuous Parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    No

Mean value of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

Nature of the Parameter.

Type     ParameterNature
Read Only    No

Number of levels if the parameter nature is Discrete, or the parameter nature is Continuous and the UseManufacturableValues property is set to True.

Type     int
Read Only    Yes

Skewness value of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

Standard deviation value of the distribution for an uncertainty parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

Type of the Parameter, either a DesignVariable in a GDO context, or an UncertaintyVariable in a SixSigma Analysis context.

Type     SimulationType
Read Only    Yes


Type     string
Read Only    Yes

Upper bound of the variation range for a Continuous Parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    No

True to restrict the variation of the parameter to defined Manufacturable Values.

Type     bool
Read Only    No



Adds a Discrete Level entity on a discrete input parameter. A discrete level can have an integer value (e.g. a number of holes, a number of turns, etc) or a string value (e.g. a material name or a geometry file name). The command has optional arguments to specify the Name of the level and its Index in the list of levels of the parameter. By default, the new level is added to the end of the list. The various discrete levels of an input parameter represent independent configurations of the project, processed in the order of their creation.

Return     The created entity.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Value    The value of the discrete level. Value can be an integer or a string.
    Type     Object

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    DisplayText of the created entity. If not specified, a default name of the form "Level [#]" is used.
    Type     string
Index    The position of the new level in the list of discrete levels of the parameter. Index is zero-based. If it is not specified, the new level is appended to the list.
    Type     int
    Default Value    -1

The following example shows how to add new discrete levels on a discrete input parameter. The third level is inserted between the two others.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DiscreteInputParameter = model.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    DiscreteInputParameter.AddDiscreteLevel(Value=3000, DisplayText="Three thousand turns")
    DiscreteInputParameter.AddDiscreteLevel(Value=2000, DisplayText="Two thousand turns")
    DiscreteInputParameter.AddDiscreteLevel(Value=5000, Index="1")


Adds a list of levels to a continuous input parameter. Each level is a quantity or a real number corresponding to a manufacturable value. The list of levels forms a restriction filter used when post-processing the input parameter. If levels are added outside of the variation range, the lower and upper bounds are adjusted accordingly.

Required Arguments

Levels    List of added levels.
    Type     List<string>

Optional Arguments

Overwrite    True in order to overwrite the existing levels, False by default.
    Type     bool

The following example shows how to overwrite the manufacturable values of an input parameter and how to define an additional value later.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    InputParameter = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    InputParameter.UseManufacturableValues = True
    InputParameter.AddLevels(Levels=["0.3 [mm]", "0.5 [mm]", "1e-3 [m]"], Overwrite=True)
    InputParameter.AddLevels(Levels="7 [mm]")


Creates an OptimizationCriterion entity associated to a parameter.

Return     The DataReference of the OptimizationCriterion.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Parameter    The parameter on which the criterion is created.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to create an OptimizationCriterion entity.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    optimizationCriterion = parameter1.CreateOptimizationCriterion()


Deletes a list of levels from a discrete input parameter.

Required Arguments

DiscreteLevels    List of the DiscreteLevel entities to delete.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to add and then delete one or more levels from a discrete input parameter.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DiscreteInputParameter = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    level1 = DiscreteInputParameter.AddDiscreteLevel(Value=3000, DisplayText="Three thousand turns")
    level2 = DiscreteInputParameter.AddDiscreteLevel(Value=2000, DisplayText="Two thousand turns")
    level3 = DiscreteInputParameter.AddDiscreteLevel(Value=5000, Index="1")
    DiscreteInputParameter.DeleteDiscreteLevels(DiscreteLevels=[level1, level2])


Deletes a list of levels from a continuous input parameter.

Required Arguments

Indices    Indices of the items to remove from the levels list
    Type     List<int>

The following example shows how to add and then delete one or more levels from a continuous input parameter for which the UseManufacturableValues property is set to True.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    InputParameter = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    InputParameter.UseManufacturableValues = True
    InputParameter.AddLevels(Levels=["0.3 [mmm]", "0.5 [mm]", "1e-3 [m]"], Overwrite=True)
    InputParameter.DeleteLevels( Indices=[0, 1] )


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Get the DataReference of a CustomParameterProperties entity associated with an Input Parameter. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the CustomParameterProperties.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

ExtensionName    Extension's Name.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can get a CustomParameterProperties.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="DOP")
    optimization1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    optimizationModel1 = optimization1.GetModel()
    inputParameter1 = optimizationModel1.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    customParameterDefinition1 = inputParameter1.GetCustomParameterDefinition(ExtensionName="UncertaintyParameterDefiniton@PythonOptimizer")
    customParameterDefinition1.Distribution = "Triangular"


Get a discrete level by name from an input parameter. The parameter's full and ordered list of discrete levels is available as its "DiscreteLevels" property.

Return     The DataReference of the discrete level entity.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    The name of the discrete level.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can retrieve a discrete level of a discrete input parameter by its name.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    DiscreteInputParameter1 = dOEModel1.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    level = DiscreteInputParameter1.GetDiscreteLevel(Name="Level 1")


Get the DataReference of the OptimizationCriterion associated with a Parameter. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the OptimizationCriterion.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Parameter    Parent Parameter.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how the user can get a OptimizationCriterion to change one of its properties.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    optimization1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    optimizationModel1 = optimization1.GetModel()
    parameter3 = optimizationModel1.GetParameter(Name="P3")
    optimizationCriterion = parameter3.GetOptimizationCriterion()
    optimizationCriterion.ObjectiveType = "eGT_MinimumPossible"


Get the DataReference of the ParameterStatistics entity associated with a Parameter.

Return     The DataReference of the ParameterStatistics entity.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how the user can get a ParameterStatistics entity and examine its Mean property.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="SSA")
    sixSigmaAnalysis1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Six Sigma Analysis")
    sixSigmaModel1 = sixSigmaAnalysis1.GetModel()
    parameter4 = sixSigmaModel1.GetParameter(Name="P4")
    parameterStatistics1 = parameter4.GetParameterStatistics()
    mean = parameterStatistics1.Mean


The data entity which described the MinMax Search option of a Response Surface Component.



The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

If True, performs a min-max search performed when the response surface is built.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

True if the entity is up-to-date.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Number of initial samples for the min-max search algorithm.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Number of start points for the min-max search algorithm.

Type     int
Read Only    No


Output parameter entity for DesignXplorer.



The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Determines whether the Auto Refinement is applicable to the output parameter.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Determines whether the parameter filtering is not applicable to the output parameter in the correlation context.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Determines whether the Maximum Predicted Relative Error defined at the Model level is applicable to the output parameter.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Minimum value extracted from existing design points and/or sample sets.

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

Maximum Predicted Error for an output parameter with the GARS algorithm. This is the maximum predicted error for the selected output parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

Maximum Relative Error targeted for an output parameter when refining with the Kriging algorithm. This is the maximum predicted relative error that is acceptable for the selected output parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    No

Current value of the Predicted Relative Error when refining with the Kriging algorithm

Type     double
Read Only    Yes


Type     bool
Read Only    No

Maximum Error targeted for an output parameter when refining with the GARS algorithm. This is the maximum predicted error that is acceptable for the selected output parameter.

Type     double
Read Only    No

Transformation Type

Type     TransformationType
Read Only    No


Type     string
Read Only    Yes

Maximum value extracted from existing design points and/or sample sets.

Type     double
Read Only    Yes



Creates an OptimizationCriterion entity associated to a parameter.

Return     The DataReference of the OptimizationCriterion.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Parameter    The parameter on which the criterion is created.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to create an OptimizationCriterion entity.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    optimizationCriterion = parameter1.CreateOptimizationCriterion()


Get the DataReference of the OptimizationCriterion associated with a Parameter. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the OptimizationCriterion.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Parameter    Parent Parameter.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how the user can get a OptimizationCriterion to change one of its properties.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    optimization1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    optimizationModel1 = optimization1.GetModel()
    parameter3 = optimizationModel1.GetParameter(Name="P3")
    optimizationCriterion = parameter3.GetOptimizationCriterion()
    optimizationCriterion.ObjectiveType = "eGT_MinimumPossible"


Get the DataReference of the ParameterStatistics entity associated with a Parameter.

Return     The DataReference of the ParameterStatistics entity.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how the user can get a ParameterStatistics entity and examine its Mean property.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="SSA")
    sixSigmaAnalysis1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Six Sigma Analysis")
    sixSigmaModel1 = sixSigmaAnalysis1.GetModel()
    parameter4 = sixSigmaModel1.GetParameter(Name="P4")
    parameterStatistics1 = parameter4.GetParameterStatistics()
    mean = parameterStatistics1.Mean


ParametricTable entity used to encapsulate most of the evaluation results in a convenient 2D matrix format.



Number of columns.

Type     int
Read Only    Yes

Number of rows.

Type     int
Read Only    Yes

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No



Adds a row to the bottom of a ParametricTable entity.

Optional Arguments

RowValues    New values for the row.
    Type     List<string>

The following example shows how to make a DOE editable, to retrieve the table of design points and add a new row to it.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Delete rows from a ParametricTable entity.

Required Arguments

Indices    Indices of the rows to delete.
    Type     List<int>

The following example shows how to delete rows from the DOEmatrix in a custom DOE context.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Export the data of a DesignXplorer entity to a csv file. The entity can be one of the DesignXplorer chart entities, a ParametricTable or an InputParameter entity.

Required Arguments

FileName    The exported file name.
    Type     string

Optional Arguments

AppendMode    True to append to an existing csv file, False to overwrite it.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False

The following example shows how the user can export the table of Design Points and then the Parameters Parallel chart of a Design of Experiments component.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    parametricTable = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    chart = model.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsParallel")
    chart.ExportData(FileName="doe.csv", AppendMode=True)


Export a table of snapshots as an archive.

Required Arguments

FilePath    The exported file name.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can export a table of snapshots as an archive.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RBU")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable1 = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Get the Value of a ParametricTable's cell. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The value of the cell.
    Type     string

Required Arguments

ColumnIndex    ColumnIndex (zero-based) of the cell.
    Type     int
RowIndex    RowIndex (zero-based) of the cell.
    Type     int

The following example shows how the user can get the value of the ParametricTable's cell [0,3].

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    cellValue = parametricTable.GetCellValue(RowIndex=0,ColumnIndex=3)


Get the Rom snapshot's name value of a row in a ParametricTable. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The value of the Rom snapshot's name.
    Type     string

Required Arguments

RowIndex    RowIndex (zero-based) of the cell.
    Type     int

The following example shows how to get the Rom snapshot's name value of row [3] in the ParametricTable.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RBU")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable1 = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    snapshotName = parametricTable1.GetRowRomSnapshotName(RowIndex=3)


Get the Update Order value of a row in a ParametricTable. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The value of the update order.
    Type     double

Required Arguments

RowIndex    RowIndex (zero-based) of the cell.
    Type     int

The following example shows how to get the Update Order value of row [3] in the ParametricTable.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    updateOrderValue = parametricTable.GetRowUpdateOrder(RowIndex=3)


Get the Values of a ParametricTable's row. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     List of the values of the specified row.
    Type     List<string>

Required Arguments

RowIndex    RowIndex (zero-based) of the row to retrieve.
    Type     int

The following example shows how the user can get the values of the 4th ParametricTable's row.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    rowValues = parametricTable.GetRowValues(RowIndex=3)


Optimizes the Update Order of Design Points to minimize the number of modifications between two consecutive Design Points. This command applies to the "DesignPoints" ParametricTable of a Design of Experiments model or of a Response Surface in a manual refinement context. It also applies to the "VerificationPoints" ParametricTable of a Response Surface model.


The following example shows how to optimize the update order of the DesignPoints table in a Design of Experiments model.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Sets the value of a ParametricTable cell. If the table is read-only, the command has no effect.

Required Arguments

ColumnIndex    Zero-based column index of the cell.
    Type     int
RowIndex    Zero-based row index of the cell.
    Type     int
Value    New value of the cell.
    Type     string

The following example shows how to set the value of the DesignPoints table in a custom DOE context.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetCellValue(RowIndex=0, ColumnIndex=0, Value="12.5 [mm]")


Sets the values of the output parameters as Editable (Editable=True) or Calculated (Editable=False) for the complete table, or a set of rows specified by the RowIndices argument. This command is applicable to the "DesignPoints" ParametricTable of a Design of Experiments model in a custom context (DOEType is "eDOETYPE_USER" or "eDOETYPE_CUSTOM_OSFD"), of a Correlation model is a custom context (SamplingType is "eCustom"), or of a Response Surface model in a manual refinement context. It also applies to the "VerificationPoints" ParametricTable of a Response Surface model.

Required Arguments

Editable    True to define output values as Editable, or False to mark output values as calculated.
    Type     bool

Optional Arguments

RowIndices    Optional list of row zero-based indices. If this argument is not specified, the command applies to the complete ParametricTable.
    Type     List<int>

The following example shows how to switch a DOE model to the custom mode and then set the output values as editable for the first three design points of the DOE matrix.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetOutputValuesEditable(Editable=True, RowIndices=[0,1,2])


Sets the Rom Snapshot's name value for a row in a ParametricTable. If the table doesn't support Rom functionality, the command has no effect.

Required Arguments

RowIndex    Zero-based row index of the cell.
    Type     int
SnapshotName    New value of the Rom snapshot's name.
    Type     string

The following example shows how to set the Rom Snapshot's name value of the DesignPoints table in a Design of Experiments model.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RBU")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable1 = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Sets the Update Order value for a row in a ParametricTable. If the table doesn't support Update Order functionality, the command has no effect.

Required Arguments

RowIndex    Zero-based row index of the cell.
    Type     int
UpdateOrder    New value of the update order.
    Type     double

The following example shows how to set the Update Order value of the DesignPoints table in a Design of Experiments model.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetRowUpdateOrder(RowIndex=0, Value="2.0")


Sets the values of a ParametricTable's row. If the table is read-only, the command has no effect.

Required Arguments

RowIndex    Zero-based row index of the cell.
    Type     int
RowValues    New values for the row.
    Type     List<string>

The following example shows how to set the values of the DesignPoints table in a custom DOE context.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    model.DOEType = "eDOETYPE_USER"
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetRowValues(RowIndex=0, RowValues=[ "12.5 [mm]", "1" ] )


Sets a value for the UpdateOrder property of all Design Points using sorting settings. This command applies to the "DesignPoints" ParametricTable of a Design of Experiments model or of a Response Surface in a manual refinement context. It also applies to the "VerificationPoints" ParametricTable of a Response Surface model.

Optional Arguments

SortBy    Definition of the sort.
    Type     List<string>

The following example shows how to set the update order of the DesignPoints table in a Design of Experiments model. The Design Points are sorted first by their values for the parameter P3 (in ascending order), and then by their values for the parameter P1 (in descending order).

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DOEMatrix = model.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")
    DOEMatrix.SetUpdateOrderByRow(SortBy=["P3:+", "P1:-"])


Updates the design points held in rows from a ParametricTable entity and the results which depend on it.

Required Arguments

Indices    Indices of the rows to update.
    Type     List<int>

The following example shows how to update the design points from the VerificationPoints Table.

    responseSurface1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    responseSurfaceModel1 = responseSurface1.GetModel()
    parametricTable1 = responseSurfaceModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="VerificationPoints")


Entity which performs and manages the DesignXplorer Response Surface Component



Convergence state

Type     bool
Read Only    Yes

Convergence state for GARS Refinement

Type     GARefinementStatusType
Read Only    Yes

Crowding Distance Separation Percentage when refining with the Kriging algorithm

Type     double
Read Only    No

Crowding Distance Separation Percentage when refining with the Genetic Aggregation algorithm

Type     double
Read Only    No

Current value of the Relative Error

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

Level of Display of Log File of Genetic Aggregation Response Surface

Type     LevelDisplayType
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

If True and PreserveDesignPoints is True as well, export project for each preserved Design Point.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Response Surface Type

Type     FittingType
Read Only    No

If True, generate verification points.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Input parameters scaling.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Input parameters transformation type.

Type     TransformationType
Read Only    No

Kernel Variation Type for the Kriging algorithm

Type     KernelVariationType
Read Only    No

Log File of Genetic Aggregation Response Surface

Type     string
Read Only    Yes

Maximum Depth limit when refining with the Sparse Grid response surface

Type     int
Read Only    No

Maximum Number of Generations for Genetic Aggregation Response Surface

Type     int
Read Only    No

Available when GARSMultiPointsRefinement feature is enabled Maximum number of points per refinement iteration with the GARS algorithm.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Maximum Relative Error targeted when refining with the Sparse Grid response surface

Type     double
Read Only    No

Maximum Number of Refinement Points that can be generated for refinement with the Genetic Aggregation algorithm.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Maximum Number of Refinement Points that can be generated for refinement with the Kriging algorithm.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Maximum Number of Refinement Points that can be generated for refinement with the Sparse Grid response surface

Type     int
Read Only    No

Maximum Relative Error targeted for all input parameters when refining with the Kriging algorithm. This is the maximum predicted relative error that is acceptable for all parameters.

Type     double
Read Only    No

Number of Cells for the Neural Network algorithm

Type     int
Read Only    No

Indicates the number of times DX will try to update the failed design points.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Number of existing Refinement Points

Type     int
Read Only    Yes

Number of verification points to generate.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Output Variable Combinations when refining with the Kriging algorithm. Controls how output variables are considered in terms of Predicated Relative Error and determines the number of refinement points generated per iteration.

Type     AdaptKrigOutType
Read Only    No

Current value of the Predicted Relative Error when refining with the Kriging algorithm

Type     double
Read Only    Yes

If True, preserve the Design Points at the project level after the component Update.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

ProgramControlled Seed

Type     int
Read Only    No

Output Variable Combinations when refining with the GARS algorithm. Controls how output variables are considered in terms of Predicted Error and determines the number of refinement points generated per iteration.

Type     GARefinementOutType
Read Only    No

Refinement Type

Type     ResponseSurfaceRefinementType
Read Only    No

If True and PreserveDesignPoints is True as well, retain data for each preserved Design Point.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Indicates how much time will elapse between tries. This option is only applicable when NumberOfRetries is greater than 0, otherwise it has no effect.

Type     Quantity
Read Only    No

Threshold for the selection process for significant polynomial terms.

Type     double
Read Only    No



Creates a Chart entity. The chart must be updated once after its creation by invoking its Update method. Then changes to its properties will update the chart automatically.

Return     The DataReference of the Chart.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

ChartType    Type of chart to be created. The possible values depend on the type of Model. For instance, a ResponseSurface model accepts Spider, LocalSensitivity and Response chart while a CorrelationModel accepts CorrelationMatrix, DeterminationMatrix and CorrelationScatter charts.
    Type     ChartType

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    Displayed name of the chart. If not specified, a default name is applied, depending on the value of ChartType.
    Type     string

The following example shows how to create a chart.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    TradeoffChart = model.CreateChart(ChartType="eChartTradeoff")


Creates a GoodnessOfFit. The ParameterValues dictionary can be used to specify a value for some or all of the discrete input parameters.

Return     The created entity.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    DisplayText of the created entity. If not specified, a default name of the form "Goodness Of Fit [#]" is used.
    Type     string
ForceUpdate    Update the created entity if true.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    True
ParameterValues    The values for each discrete input parameter. If not specified, each parameter is initialized to the current level.
    Type     Dictionary<DataReference, string>

The following example shows how to create a GoodnessOfFit from an existing ResponseSurface model. The code retrieves the parameters P1 and P2 and then creates the response point by assigning a value to each of these parameters.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    inputParameter2 = model.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    goodnessOfFit = model.CreateGoodnessOfFit( DisplayText="GOF1", 
                      ParameterValues={inputParameter1: "2", inputParameter2: "15"})


Creates a ResponsePoint. The ParameterValues dictionary can be used to specify a value or a quantity for some or all of the input parameters. The output parameter values cannot be specified. They are evaluated automatically from the ResponseSurface model once it is updated. Several types of charts can only be created as children of a ResponsePoint. These charts depend on the ResponsePoint and use the same parameter values.

Return     The created entity.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    DisplayText of the created entity. If not specified, a default name of the form "Response Point [#]" is used.
    Type     string
ParameterValues    The values for each input parameter. If not specified, each parameter is initialized to the middle of its variation range.
    Type     IDictionary<DataReference, string>

The following example shows how to create a ResponsePoint from an existing ResponseSurface model. The code retrieves the parameters P1 and P2 and then creates the response point by assigning a value to each of these parameters.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    inputParameter1 = model.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    inputParameter2 = model.GetParameter(Name="P2")
    responsePoint = model.CreateResponsePoint( DisplayText="Improved Design", 
                      ParameterValues={inputParameter1: "2.01", inputParameter2: "15.5"})


Deletes a list of Chart entities.

Required Arguments

Charts    List of Chart entities to delete.
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to delete existing charts.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Optimization")
    model = container.GetModel()
    chart1 = model.GetChart(Name="TradeoffChart 1")
    chart2 = model.GetChart(Name="SamplesChart 1")
    model.DeleteCharts(Charts=[chart1, chart2])


Deletes a list of GoodnessOfFit entities and all the depending Chart entities.

Required Arguments

GoodnessOfFit    DataReferences of the entities to delete
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to delete existing GoodnessOfFit.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    gof1 = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GOF 1")
    gof5 = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GOF 5")
    gof6 = model.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GOF 6")
    model.DeleteGoodnessOfFit(GoodnessOfFit=[gof1, gof5, gof6])


Deletes a list of ResponsePoint entities and all the depending Chart entities.

Required Arguments

ResponsePoints    DataReferences of the entities to delete
    Type     List<DataReference>

The following example shows how to delete existing ResponsePoints.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    rp1 = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")
    rp5 = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 5")
    rp6 = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 6")
    model.DeleteResponsePoints(ResponsePoints=[rp1, rp5, rp6])


Duplicates a Chart entity. The chart must be updated once after its creation by invoking its Update method. Then changes to its properties will update the chart automatically.

Return     The DataReference of the Chart.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Chart    The source chart to duplicate.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    Displayed name of the chart. If not specified, a default name is applied, depending on the value of ChartType.
    Type     string
TargetModel    The model on which the duplicated chart is created. If this parameter is not set, the model of the source chart is used.
    Type     DataReference
TargetResponsePoint    Parent TargetResponsePoint of the chart. If this parameter is not set, the response point of the source chart is used if applicable.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to duplicate a chart.

    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    designPointsCurvesChart1 = dOEModel1.GetChart(Name="DesignPointsCurves")
    chart1 = dOEModel1.DuplicateChart(Chart=designPointsCurvesChart1)


Duplicates a GoodnessOfFit.

Return     The created entity.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

GoodnessOfFit    DataReference of the GoodnessOfFit.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    DisplayText of the created entity. If not specified, a default name of the form "Goodness Of Fit [#]" is used.
    Type     string
ForceUpdate    Update the created entity if true.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    True
TargetModel    The ResponseSurface model on which the goodness of fit is created. If this parameter is not set, the model of the source goodness of fit is used.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to duplicate a GoodnessOfFit from an existing ResponseSurface model. The code retrieves the parameters P1 and P2 and then creates the response point by assigning a value to each of these parameters.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    responseSurfaceModel1 = container.GetModel()
    gof = responseSurfaceModel1.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GoodnessOfFit")
    goodnessOfFit2 = model.DuplicateGoodnessOfFit(GoodnessOfFit=gof, DisplayText="GOF2")


Duplicates a ReponsePoint entity. The response point must be updated once after its creation by invoking its Update method. Then changes to its properties will update the response point automatically.

Return     The created entity.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

ResponsePoint    The source response point to duplicate.
    Type     DataReference

Optional Arguments

DisplayText    DisplayText of the created entity. If not specified, a default name of the form "Response Point [#]" is used.
    Type     string
DuplicateCharts    True if the charts of the response point have to be duplicated.
    Type     bool
    Default Value    False
TargetModel    The model on which the duplicated response point is created. If this parameter is not set, the model of the source response point is used.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to duplicate a response point and all its charts.

    responseSurface1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    responseSurfaceModel1 = responseSurface1.GetModel()
    responsePoint1 = responseSurfaceModel1.GetResponsePoint(Name="ResponsePoint")
    responsePoint2 = responseSurfaceModel1.DuplicateResponsePoint(ResponsePoint=responsePoint1,DuplicateCharts=True)


Query to return the chart reference for a given model and chart name.

Return     The DataReference of the chart.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name of the chart.
    Type     string

Get the DataReference of a DesignPointReportSetting entity associated with a Model. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the DesignPointReportSetting.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how the user can get a DesignPointReportSetting to change one of its properties.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="GDO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    designPointReportSettingEntity1 = dOEModel1.GetDesignPointReportSetting()
    designPointReportSettingEntity1.DesignPointReportImage = "FFF-Results:Figure001.png"


Get the DataReference of a GoodnessOfFit entity associated with a Model. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the GoodnessOfFit.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name of the GoodnessOfFit.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can get a GoodnessOfFit.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    responseSurface1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    responseSurfaceModel1 = responseSurface1.GetModel()
    gof = responseSurfaceModel1.GetGoodnessOfFit(Name="GoodnessOfFit")


Get the DataReferences of the GoodnessOfFit entities associated with a Model.

Return     The DataReferences of the GoodnessOfFits.
    Type     DataReferenceSet

The following example shows how to retrieve the GoodnessOfFit entities of a response surface model.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    responseSurface1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    responseSurfaceModel1 = responseSurface1.GetModel()
    gof = responseSurfaceModel1.GetGoodnessOfFits()


Get the DataReference of the MinMaxSearch entity associated with a Response Surface model. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the MinMaxSearch entity.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how the user can get the MinMaxSearch of a ResponseSurfaceModel to change one of its properties.

    responseSurface1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    responseSurfaceModel1 = responseSurface1.GetModel()
    minMaxSearch1 = responseSurfaceModel1.GetMinMaxSearch()
    minMaxSearch1.NumberInitialPoints = 200


Get the DataReference of a Parameter. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the Parameter.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name of the Parameter.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can get a parameter of a model to change one of its properties.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    inputParameter1 = dOEModel1.GetParameter(Name="P1")
    inputParameter1.LowerBound = 1


Get the DataReferences of the InputParameter and OutputParameter of the model. If the optional argument InputParameters is not specified, the query returns all parameters. If it is specified and True, the query returns only input parameters. If it is False, the query returns only output parameters.

Return     The DataReferences of the Parameters
    Type     DataReferenceSet

Optional Arguments

InputParameters    If True, the query returns only input parameters. If False, the query returns only output parameters. If the argument is ommitted, the query returns all parameters.
    Type     bool

The following example shows how the user can get the parameters of a model.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parameters = dOEModel1.GetParameters()


Get the DataReference of ParametricTable. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found. Names of the tables generated internally are: "DesignPoints", "CorrelationMatrix", "CorrelationScatter", "MinDesignPoints", "MaxDesignPoints", "ResponsePoints", "DeterminationMatrix".

Return     The DataReference of the ParametricTable
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name of the ParametricTable
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can get a ParametricTable to add a new row and set values.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    designofExperiment1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    dOEModel1 = designofExperiment1.GetModel()
    parametricTable = dOEModel1.GetParametricTable(Name="DesignPoints")


Get the DataReference of a ResponsePoint. An exception is thrown if the entity is not found.

Return     The DataReference of the ResponsePoint.
    Type     DataReference

Required Arguments

Name    Name
    Type     string

The following example shows how to retrieve an existing ResponsePoint.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    rp = model.GetResponsePoint(Name="Response Point 1")


Get the DataReferences of the ResponsePoints.

Return     The DataReferences of the ResponsePoints
    Type     DataReferenceSet

The following example shows how to retrieve the response points of a response surface model.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RSO")
    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()
    responsePoints = model.GetResponsePoints()


Import Refinement Point values in the manual refinement table of a Response Surface model with a query to the DPS.

Required Arguments

QueryString    The query.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can import the design point with the ID equal to 1.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()


Import Refinement Point values in the manual refinement table of a Response Surface model from a csv file.

Required Arguments

FileName    The imported file name.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can import refinement points from a valid csv file.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()


Import Verification Point values in the verification table of a Response Surface model with a query to the DPS.

Required Arguments

QueryString    The query.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can import verification points with a query to the DPS.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()


Import Verification Point values in the verification table of a Response Surface model from a csv file.

Required Arguments

FileName    The imported file name.
    Type     string

The following example shows how the user can import verification points from a valid csv file.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Response Surface")
    model = container.GetModel()


Previews the Design Points of a model, without actually updating them, so that the user can adjust settings before launching a long update operation. This command applies to a Design of Experiments model, or the Refinement Points of a Kriging Response Surface, or a Parameters Correlation model. The command returns the table of the generated points.

Return     The DataReference of the ParametricTable containing the generated data.
    Type     DataReference

The following example shows how to preview a DOE model.

    container = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Design of Experiment")
    model = container.GetModel()
    DOEMatrix = model.PreviewDesignPoints()


Updates all goodness of fit and the results which depend on them. If the goodness of fit are already uptodate, nothing is done.


The following example shows how to update all existing GoodnessOfFit.

    system1 = GetSystem(Name="RBU")
    romBuilder1 = system2.GetContainer(ComponentName="Rom Builder")
    romBuilderModel1 = romBuilder1.GetModel()