Turbo Mesh

Turbo Mesh
This container holds Mesh data for an instance of TurboGrid.



Opens the TurboGrid editor to allow modification of Turbo Mesh data.

Optional Arguments

Interactive     Run the editor in interactive mode if True, or in no GUI mode if False.
   If not specified, the editor runs in interactive mode.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    True
TopologySuspended     If True, open the editor with the topology in a suspended state. Otherwise, open the editor with the suspended state of topology the same as when the editor was last closed.
   If not specified, it defaults to false.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    False


Exits the editor.

Any changes made in this editor will be retained on exit. These changes are made permanent by a Project Save, and will be discarded in the event of closing the project without saving.

If no editor is open on the component in question, this command will have no effect.


Returns the Data Entity which contains user settings and properties for the Turbo Mesh container.

Return     A reference to the requested data entity.
    Type     DataReference


This command imports the specified BladeGen INF file data into the Turbo Mesh cell. If an upstream geometry link to the Turbo Mesh cell exists an error message is generated.

    template1 = GetTemplate(TemplateName="TurboGrid")
    system1 = template1.CreateSystem()
    turboMesh1 = system1.GetContainer(ComponentName="Turbo Mesh")

Required Arguments

FileName    Name, and path, of the BladeGen INF file to be imported.
    Type    string


This command reinitialises the selected container, resetting the local data and using the cached initialisation CCL commands


Sends commands to the editor for this component using CFX Command Language (CCL) syntax. If the editor for this component is not open, it will be launched before the commands are sent and subsequently closed. In this mode, component data is loaded and saved as if calling Edit(Interactive=False) and Exit around the SendCommand invocation.

The instructions must be CFX Command Language session commands that are valid for the editor in question.

Required Arguments

Command    Valid CFX Command Language (CCL) commands
    Type    string


Sets the initialisation commands for this component using CFX Command Language (CCL) syntax. On setting the commands they may be applied to the editor in question using ApplyInitCCLCommand.

The instructions must be CFX Command Language session commands that are valid for the editor in question.

Required Arguments

Command    Valid CFX Command Language (CCL) commands
    Type    string

Data Entities


This data entity provides access to the properties that are used to determine which blade geometry to mesh and how to handle the inlet and outlet positions.



Displays a list of the available flowpaths and bladerows. Use this information as a guide when specifying the Flowpath and Bladerow properties (described below). Use the Refresh command in the context menu to update the list after linking.

Type     string
Read Only    Yes

Specifies which Flowpath feature in BladeEditor contains the bladerow that is to be loaded in ANSYS TurboGrid. On initial refresh, it will default to the first flowpath available.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Specifies the bladerow number for the bladerow that is immediately downstream of the current bladerow. This property is available only when Outlet Position Method is set to Adjacent Blade.

Type     int
Read Only    No

If this property is set to true than blade names in the upstream geometry are ignored for labelling regions in the Turbo mesh.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

If this is checked then an inlet block will be generated, if possible, when the mesh is created.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specifies how the inlet points are positioned in TurboGrid. This property is only available when multiple bladerows in the same flowpath have been exported from BladeEditor.

Available options:

The user will specify the inlet points in TurboGrid.TurboGrid will calculate the inlet points to be halfway between the selected upstream bladerow and the current bladerow.

Type    OpeningPositionMethod
Read Only    No

This is the maximum face angle in the mesh if the mesh has been generated.

Type     Quantity
Read Only    No

If specified, this string will be prepended to all region names in the mesh when transferred to a CFX system. This option is only available when Beta features are enabled.

Type     string
Read Only    No

This is the minimum face angle in the mesh if the mesh has been generated.

Type     Quantity
Read Only    No

If this is checked then an outlet block will be generated, if possible, when the mesh is created.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specifies how the outlet points are positioned in TurboGrid. This property is only available when multiple bladerows in the same flowpath have been exported from BladeEditor.

Available options:

The user will specify the outlet points in TurboGrid.TurboGrid will calculate the outlet points to be halfway between the selected downstream bladerow and the current bladerow.

Type    OpeningPositionMethod
Read Only    No

Specifies which bladerow (within the specified Flowpath feature) is to be loaded in ANSYS TurboGrid. The bladerows are number sequentially, starting from 1 for native Blade features.

Type     int
Read Only    No

Specifies which Flowpath feature in BladeEditor contains the bladerow that is to be loaded in ANSYS TurboGrid. On initial refresh, it will default to the first flowpath available.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Specifies the bladerow number for the bladerow that is immediately upstream of the current bladerow. This property is available only when Inlet Position Method is set to Adjacent Blade.

Type     int
Read Only    No