CFD Results

CFD Results
This container holds Results and post-processing data for a CFD simulation.



Opens the CFD-Post editor to allow modification of Results data.

This command will open the editor only if one is not already open on this component. If this component's editor is already open and in interactive mode, then it will be raised to the front.

Optional Arguments

Interactive     Run the editor in interactive mode if True, or in no GUI mode if False.
   If not specified, the editor runs in interactive mode.
    Type    bool
    Default Value    True


Exits the editor.

Any changes made in this editor will be retained on exit. These changes are made permanent by a Project Save, and will be discarded in the event of closing the project without saving.

If no editor is open on the component in question, this command will have no effect.


Returns the Data Entity which contains user settings and properties for the Results container.

Return     The Data Entity containing settings for this component.
    Type     DataReference


Sends commands to the editor for this component using CFX Command Language (CCL) syntax. If the editor for this component is not open, it will be launched before the commands are sent and subsequently closed. In this mode, component data is loaded and saved as if calling Edit(Interactive=False) and Exit around the SendCommand invocation.

The instructions must be CFX Command Language session commands that are valid for the editor in question.

Required Arguments

Command    Valid CFX Command Language (CCL) commands
    Type    string

Data Entities


Entity which manages settings and data for the CFD Results component.



Specifies whether the state should be cleared when the Results cell is updated. This is only used if a report has been selected or a session script has been specified to run on update.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specifies the file path of the custom report template to load if LoadReport is set to 'Custom'. It is recommended that the template file be located in the user_files directory of the project so that it is available if the project is archived and moved to another system.

Type     string
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Specifies whether to regenerate a report during component update.

The report will be generated according to the report definition within CFD-Post. Its name and location can be controlled by the ReportName and ReportLocationDirectory advanced user properties on this entity.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Report to load when Results cell is edited or updated.

Type     PostReportNamesType
Read Only    No

This property has no effect and is simply used for presentation purposes.

Type     string
Read Only    No

CFD-Post State file location.

Do not modify this property directly.

Type    DataReference
Read Only    No

Specifies a custom directory in which to place the report files.

This is an advanced user property to be used in conjunction with the GenerateReport and ReportName properties. By default this property is empty, in which case the project's user_files directory is used. If a directory path is specified, the directory must exist at the time of component update.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specifies the name of the report to be generated during component update. By default the report name is "Report".

This is an advanced user property to be used in conjunction with the GenerateReport and ReportLocationDirectory properties.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Specifies whether a CFD-Post session script will be run as part of the component update.

If enabled, the UpdateScriptCCL property on this entity should be set to contain the session script text.

Type    bool
Read Only    No

Contains CFX Command Language script for CFD-Post, to be executed as part of the component update. This can be used to toggle regeneration of exported data, animation files, etc. In this scenario, the script will only need to be run when loading the results into Post at a time when the Results cell is in the �Unfulfilled� state (i.e. has never been opened yet).

This is an advanced user feature, and caution should be exercised. CFD-Post session files are capable of performing file activity and changing state in ways that are not supported in Workbench sessions. Limit your session script to activities which will not corrupt or circumvent Workbench project data management.

Type    string
Read Only    No

Contains CFX Command Language script for CFD-Post, to be executed as part of the component update. This can be used to toggle regeneration of exported data, animation files, etc.

This is an advanced user feature, and caution should be exercised. CFD-Post session files are capable of performing file activity and changing state in ways that are not supported in Workbench sessions. Limit your session script to activities which will not corrupt or circumvent Workbench project data management.

Type    string
Read Only    No