CFX Solution

CFX Solution
This container holds data for a CFX Solution.



This command is used to clear cached solution data, optionally from just the current design point or from all design points

Required Arguments

ClearAllDPs    If true, cached data from all design points will be removed. Otherwise, only cached data from the current design point will be removed.
    Type     bool


Every time the solver is run for a Solution container, a new set of solution files are generated and the old ones are kept around. This command is used to clear all solution data files from past solver runs except for the last one.

Required Arguments

KeepReferenced    If false, all old solution data will be removed. Otherwise, only data not referenced in the latest solution will be removed.
    Type     bool


Displays run history and monitors for the most recent Solution update.

CFX-Solver Manager is used for displaying monitors, and (if necessary) will be launched by executing this command.


Open the CFX-Solver Manager editor to allow modification of the run definition for the CFX Solution component.

Note that CFX-SolverManager is a GUI-only component that is not scriptable. This command will not be journaled when invoked through the GUI. For batch operations, omit this command and use SetExecutionControl. If execution control is specified in the Setup component, it may be necessary to use this command with the appropriate value for the ExecutionControlOption parameter. Alternatively, the ExecutionControlOption property of the Solution component can be modified directly in the script to ensure no execution control conflicts are detected.

Optional Arguments

ExecutionControlOption    Specifies how to handle conflicts in execution control if they exist.
Defaultchange On Execution Control Conflict property to 'Use Setup Cell Execution Control' and proceed with Edit Run Defintion
use On Execution Control Conflict property settingUseSolutionExecutionControl
UseSetupExecutionControlEdit Run Defintion using execution control from the Solution container
Edit Run Defintion using execution control from the Setup containerUseSolutionExecutionControlAlways
UseSetupExecutionControlAlwayschange On Execution Control Conflict property to 'Use Solution Cell Execution Control' and proceed with Edit Run Defintion
    Type    ExecutionControlConflictOptions
    Default Value    Default


Opens the CFX Command Editor to allow modification of the physics in the specified CFX Results or Solver Input file.

This command will simply launch the CCL Command Editor with the provided file path. No further Workbench interaction with the CCL Command Editor is possible, and no further activity of this component is journaled. Do not use this command as part of any batch workflow.

Required Arguments

FilePath    Path of CFX Solver Input File, or Results File, to be edited
    Type    string


Exits the editor.

Any changes made in this editor will be retained on exit. These changes are made permanent by a Project Save, and will be discarded in the event of closing the project without saving.

If no editor is open on the component in question, this command will have no effect.


Returns the Data Entity which contains user settings and properties for the Solution container.

Return     The Data Entity containing settings for this component.
    Type     DataReference


This query is used to obtain the ComponentSettingsForRsmDpUpdate object for Journaling and Scripting


This query is used to obtain the component solve settings object for Journaling and Scripting


Imports CFX Solution data from an existing CFX Results file.

The Results file, as well as all files associated with it (such as transient or multi-configuration files, if they exist), will be copied into the project as the generated data for the Solution component.

This command is intended for use when no Setup has been defined. If no data has been provided to an upstream Setup, or to any upstream Geometry or Mesh components (if they exist), then all of these components will automatically be deleted from the system as a result of this command.

Required Arguments

FilePath    Path of CFX-Solver Results file to be imported.
    Type    string


Accept an interrupted Solution as Up-to-Date.

The specified Solution component should be in Interrupted state. As a result of this command, the Solution will be marked Up-to-Date.


Sets the CFX-Solver settings (in the form of Execution Control CCL) for a Solution component.

These settings will form the basis of a run definition for the Solution component. However, certain settings, such as the Solver Input File, are always overridden during Update. Other settings, such as all Initialization settings, can be overridden by the Solution component's Initialization Option property as well by as the presence of initialization data provided by other components on the project schematic.

The CCL argument must specify valid Execution Control CCL.

Required Arguments

CCL    CFX Command Language defining Execution Control for the CFX-Solver.
    Type    string


Switch the Update in progress into background mode. This will enable operations that are not allowed during an Update in foreground mode (e.g. Project Save).

This command is not normally useful in a script. Journals may record the invocation of this command after an Update invoke, as the result of GUI activity while the Update is in progress. However, replay of these journals will always wait for the Update invoke to complete before invoking the next command, rendering this step ineffectual.

Data Entities


Entity which manages settings and data for the CFX Solution component.



Flag to determine if the latest solution data for each retained design point is to be cached.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

Specifies how to handle conflicts in execution control between this entity and the upstream Setup cell. It is only used if execution control has been saved in this entity and the execution control in the DEF file, provided by the upstream Setup cell, has changed since the last run.

IssueWarningIn the case of a conflict, the execution control provided in the DEF file is used.
In the case of a conflict, a message is displayed and the process is aborted.UseExecutionControlFromSolution
UseExecutionControlFromSetupIn the case of a conflict, the execution control saved in the Solution container is used.

Type    ExecutionControlSource
Read Only    No

Specifies the way a Solution will be initialized during Update.

Available options:

Initialize the solution from the current Solution component data (if the data is present and is appropriate).Always initialize the solution from defined initial conditions.

In cases where no existing solution data is present, this property has no effect.

The default behavior is "CurrentSolutionData"; however this default can be changed in Options->CFX->Default Initialization Option

Type    InitializationOption
Read Only    No

Flag to clear all old solution data after the component update.

Type     bool
Read Only    No

Specifies how multi-configuration solution data should be treated by a Results component when opened in CFD-Post.

This option has no effect if the Solution component does not contain a results set with multiple configurations.

Available options:

AllConfigsSingleCase All configurations for this set of results should be loaded, but each configuration should be treated as a separate case.
All configurations for this set of results should be loaded and treated as a single case. LastConfigOnly
AllConfigsSeparateCases Only the last configuration should be loaded.

The default behavior is "LastConfigOnly".

Type    MResOptions
Read Only    No

Current CFX-Solver Results File location.

Type     DataReference
Read Only    Yes

Additional Solver Arguments

Type     string
Read Only    No

Path to a custom Solver Executable

Type     string
Read Only    No


This class contains the solve settings for Addin solution components to use



A configured queue used for new RSM architecture

Type     string
Read Only    No

The general property that defines the user-visible name of an entity. This property is defined for all data entities but is used only in those entities that present a label in the user interface.

Type     string
Read Only    No

whether enable polling during remote solve

Type     bool
Read Only    No

execution mode

Type     string
Read Only    No

number of processes for parallel solve

Type     int
Read Only    No

polling internal during remote solve

Type     Quantity
Read Only    No

RSM job name

Type     string
Read Only    No

Configured queue details

Type     RsmQueueDetails
Read Only    No

Update mode

Type     JobRunMode
Read Only    No