Setting a Different Design Point as Current

Once multiple design points have retained data, you can switch back and forth between these multiple designs within the project. To view the design associated with a given design point, you set it as the current design point. Only design points with retained data can be set to current, and only one design point can be set to current at a time.

To set a design point as the current design point:

  1. To open the Table pane, double-click the Parameters cell of a system or the Parameter Set bar.

  2. In the Table pane, right-click a design point that has retained data and select Set as Current from the context menu.

The design point becomes the current design point for the project. In the Name column, (Current) displays after the name of the current design point. Setting a design point as current does not automatically update it.

Note:   In a project that includes a Microsoft Office Excel system and uses retained design points, switching to a different up-to-date design point automatically updates the Excel system. This can be time-consuming if the spreadsheet contains macros or extensive calculations.