Product-Specific Limitations

Some products have additional limitations when submitting design points updates to RSM:


Projects that include Ansoft systems return updated parameter values but do not return the detailed solution for the current design point.


Design point updates in RSM can fail for a class of problems (typically involving a Structural system linked to a Modal or other type of Mechanical system) that meet the following criteria:

  • A non-parameterized upstream Mechanical system provides solution data to a parameterized downstream Mechanical system and both systems share the same geometry/model.

  • Updates are performed via a pre-RSM local update.

The parameters for some of the design points are not computed and are marked as errors in the design points table.


  • Select the Enable Legacy Solve check box (Tools > Options > Mechanical).

  • In the Parameter Set properties, set Pre-RSM Foreground Update to None and Job Submission to One Job for All Design Points.

Third-Party CAD Systems

Projects that include geometry parameters that rely on third-party CAD systems do not update the geometry unless the CAD system is accessible on the execution node.