Mechanical APDL

From Tools > Options > Mechanical APDL, you can specify the following.

For more details on these options, see The File Management Tab in the Operations Guide.

Command Line OptionsSets the startup command line options.
Database Memory (MB)Specifies the portion (in megabytes) of total memory that the database uses for the initial allocation. The default is 1024.
Workspace Memory (MB)Specifies the initial allocation of memory (in megabytes) requested for the Mechanical APDL run. The default is 2048.
Utilized coresSets the number of cores used for parallel processing.
Job NameDefines the base filename used for all files generated by the Mechanical APDL session. The default is file. You can change it to any alphanumeric string up to 32 characters long.
LicenseSets the default license level.
Graphics DeviceSets the graphics device. The user interface requires a terminal that supports graphics.
DistributedWhen selected, activates distributed computing settings.
Machine ListSpecifies machine information for distributed computing.
GPU AcceleratorProvides access to the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) acceleration capability offered in the Project Schematic and inside Mechanical APDL. Three options are available, None, NVIDIA and AMD. The default is None.

Selecting this option from Options > Mechanical APDL applies the setting to all newly added systems in the Project Schematic. You can override these settings by changing the GPU Accelerator selection on individual systems by right-clicking Analysis and editing the properties.

Number of GPUs per MachineSpecifies the number of GPUs each machine has. The default is 1.
Read START.ANSWhen selected, reads the start.ans file at start-up.
Custom Executable PathSets a custom Mechanical APDL executable to start in the launcher.
Download Distributed FilesWhen selected, downloads all distributed files.