Material Designer

From Tools > Options > Material Designer, you can specify the following:


Material Designer behavior during update

Controls the visibility of Material Designer during a design point update.

  • Default: The update is run in batch mode. If Material Designer was open prior to the update, it is reopened at the completion of the update.

  • Run interactively: Forces Material Designer to run interactively for the entire update. If Material Designer was open prior to the update, it is reopened at the completion of the update.

  • Run in batch mode: Forces Material Designer to run in batch mode for the entire update. Material Designer is left closed at the completion of the update.

Keep Material Designer running for optimized design point updates

When selected, directs Material Designer to stay open (in batch or interactively, based on the setting of Material Designer behavior during update) and use the same session during a design point update. Allows for quicker processing time as Material Designer is not restarted after each design point.

Periodically restart Material Designer

When selected, directs Material Designer to restart automatically after the specified number of design points (as specified by the setting Number of design points to update before restarting Material Designer).

Number of design points to update before restarting the Material Designer

Sets the number of design points that are updated before Material Designer is restarted. The default is 0, which executes as if this preference were disabled.

Each restart resets Material Designer and slightly lengthens processing time, but restarts can improve overall system performance (memory and CPU) when the time needed for the update of each design point is long. In such cases, specify a low number of design points (1 or more) before each restart.

In cases where the time needed for the update of each design point is short, you can reduce processing time by increasing the number of design points before each restart, or you can prevent restarts by disabling this preference altogether.