Understanding Project File Management

The project system may delete, back up, or restore files when:

  • Deleting, duplicating, or replacing systems in the schematic

  • Opening an application for a cell

  • Closing a project without saving

  • Archiving a project

  • Switching to the next design point when updating all design points

While the project system is performing one of these operations, you cannot have project files open in other applications (such as a text editor) or have the directories open in Windows Explorer. Doing so may cause these file management operations to fail.

You cannot move a project or any of its associated files to another machine while a background run is in progress. File information for the background run is, by necessity, machine-specific. You cannot package or modify the background run while it is in progress.

Moving a project that has references to files outside of the project directory to a different machine or location creates errors. By opening the project from a different machine or location, those file references do not resolve, unless the file is still available under the same absolute path.

Copied images exist in only one location on disk that is referenced and do not exist as physical copies. If you delete an image that has been copied, all pointers to the copies of that image will contain broken links.