dp0 Folder

Workbench designates the active project as design point 0 and creates a dp0 folder that always corresponds to the active project files. For more information on design points, see Working with Design Points.

Within the folder are system folders for each system in the project. Within each system folder are folders for each application used in the system (for example, the Mechanical application, Fluent, and so on). These folders contain application-specific files and folders, such as input files, model directories, engineering data, and resources. System folders for each system type are named as follows.

System TypeFolder name
Design ExplorationDX
Engineering DataENGD
Fluid Flow (Fluent)FFF (analysis system), FLU (component system)
Fluid Flow (Polyflow)PFL (Polyflow), PFL-BM (Blow Molding), PFL-EX (Extrusion)
Fluid Flow (CFX)CFX
MeshSYS (top level) / MECH (subdirectory)
MechanicalSYS (top level) / MECH (subdirectory)
Mechanical APDL APDL
System CouplingSC (top level) / SC (subdirectory) / SyC (subdirectory)

The Mechanical application and Mesh system folders are labeled SYS. Both the Mechanical application and Mesh files are written to MECH subdirectories, because both are generated by Mechanical-based applications.

In addition to the system folders, the dp0 folder also contains a global folder. This folder contains subdirectories for all systems in the project. These subdirectories may be shared by more than one system in the project and contain all database files, as well as any files that are associated directly with the database files. For example, the Mechanical application writes figures, images, and contact tool data to the appropriate system subdirectory under the global folder.