
The Autodyn system launches Ansys Autodyn, an explicit analysis tool for modeling nonlinear dynamics of solids, fluids, gas, and their interaction. This system supports the full range of Autodyn capabilities including the Explicit Eulerian solvers, mesh free SPH solvers, and explicit solver coupling (FSI).

Note:  The Explicit Dynamics analysis system supports the FE components of the Autodyn solver.

The system takes the binary database (.ad) file as input and produces the following output files:

  • Results file (.adres) for postprocessing

  • Save file (admodel_cycle.adres) for postprocessing and database modification during a run

  • History data files (.his, .sum) that record time dependent data at gauge locations and summary data for materials/parts

  • Print file (.prt) recording a text summary of the model definition and results

  • Log file (.log) listing solution information and warnings or errors encountered

For detailed information on using Autodyn, see Autodyn User's Manual.

To work through an Autodyn system:

  1. To add an Autodyn component system, drag the system from the Toolbox to the Project Schematic or double-click the system in the Toolbox.

  2. To connect other systems, right-click the Setup cell, select Transfer Data From New from the context menu, then select one of the following options:

    • Mesh: Inserts a Mesh component system and generates a link between its Mesh cell and the Autodyn system Setup cell. This option enables the transfer of a mesh from the Ansys Meshing system into the Autodyn system.

    • Explicit Dynamics: Inserts an Explicit Dynamics analysis system and generates a link between its Setup cell and the Autodyn system Setup cell. This option enables the transfer of the initial model defined in the Explicit Dynamics system or the Autodyn system. The initial model includes materials, mesh, connections, coordinate systems, initial conditions, loads, constraints, and analysis settings.

  3. Right-click the Mesh cell of the Mesh component system, or the Setup cell of the Explicit Dynamics analysis system, and select Update from the context menu.

    A CAERep.xml file is produced, and then consumed by the Autodyn Setup cell.

    Note:  Any modifications made in Autodyn to a model that originated from an Explicit Dynamics system are likely to be overwritten during the update process. Items defined in the Explicit Dynamics or Mesh system represent the main version of the data.

    The files generated during the previous transfer or solve are not deleted during the update. As good practice, you can right-click the Analysis cell and select Clear Generated Data to clear the previously generated files.

  4. To launch Autodyn interactively, right-click the Autodyn Setup cell and select one of the following options from the context menu:

    • New Model: Opens the Autodyn editor where you can set up a new 2D or 3D Autodyn model, solve, or postprocess results.

    • Edit Model: Opens the Autodyn editor and loads in the database currently associated with system. You can then further edit the model, solve, or postprocess results.

  5. To launch Autodyn with input and reference files specified:

    1. Right-click the Autodyn Setup cell and select Import Model from the context menu.

      This action imports an existing Autodyn database (.ad file) into the system. Any existing database associated with the system is replaced. If the import detects that there are other files in the source directory for the model that is being imported, you are presented with the option to import all the associated files.

    2. Right-click the Autodyn Setup cell and select Edit Model from the context menu.

      Autodyn launches in interactive mode, and the input files specified are loaded.

  6. To select a user-customized executable, right-click the Autodyn Setup cell and select Select User Executable from the context menu.

    This action selects the Autodyn executable file (autodyn.exe) you want to associate with the system and use for subsequent preprocessing, solving, and postprocessing.