10.7.1. The 3D Mesh Object

You can open the 3D Mesh object editor to see node and element counts for the passage, inlet, outlet, and the whole mesh.

By default, the 3D Mesh object is initially unsuspended, so mesh generation happens automatically whenever the Layers object is (re)processed.

To reduce the update delay for large meshes, you can suspend the 3D Mesh object (right-click it in the Mesh workspace tree and select Suspend Object Updates). By suspending the 3D Mesh object, you prevent it from being updated in response to changes to other objects.

If the 3D Mesh object is suspended, you can generate the 3D mesh in any of the following ways:

  • Unsuspend the 3D Mesh object by right-clicking it in the Mesh workspace tree and clearing Suspend Object Updates.

  • Click Insert > Mesh from the main menu.

  • Click the Mesh   icon.

  • Click the Generate button in the 3D Mesh object editor.

    The Generate button is enabled whenever it is possible to generate (or refresh) a 3D mesh.

Note:  The Undo command cannot properly undo a suspension change (for example, to the Topology Set object); attempting to undo a suspension change can lead to an inconsistent state.