2.1. Introduction

Ansys TurboGrid uses and produces the following file types:

Session File

.tse session files are produced by TurboGrid and contain CCL commands. Session files record the commands executed to a file for playback at a later date. Use session files to run TurboGrid in batch mode. See Session Menu and Batch Mode in the TurboGrid Reference Guide for details.

Note:  Because the session file is a text file of CCL commands, you can write your own session files using a text editor.

State File

.tst state files are produced by TurboGrid and contain CCL commands. They differ from session files in that only a snap-shot of the current state is saved to a file. Using state files, you can close TurboGrid and continue working later from the same point. See Load State Command (Import State Command) and Save State Command (Export State Command) for details.

Note:  Because the state file is a text file of CCL commands, you can write your own state files using a text editor.

Note:  State files previously had the extension .cst.

Topology File

.tgt topology files are produced by TurboGrid and define the topology. Using topology files, you can use the same topology for various cases without having to redefine it each time.

Note:  Because the topology file is a text file, you can write your own topology files using a text editor.

Mesh File

.gtm mesh files are produced by TurboGrid and contain the mesh in a format which can be read by Ansys CFX. For details, see Save Mesh Command.

BladeGen.inf File

BladeGen.inf information files contain:

  • Machine data (the rotation axis, number of blade sets, length unit)

  • Names of geometry definition curve files for the hub, shroud, and blades

  • Leading and trailing edge settings

The *.inf file is structured as follows:

!======  CFX-BladeGen Export  ========
Axis of Rotation: Z
Number of Blade Sets: 9
Number of Blades Per Set: 2
Geometry Units: MM       <---- Unknown|IN|MM|FT|MI|M|KM|MIL|UM|CM|UIN
Blade 0 LE: EllipseEnd   <---- EllipseEnd|CutoffEnd|SquareEnd
Blade 0 TE: CutOffEnd
Blade 1 LE: EllipseEnd
Blade 1 TE: CutOffEnd
Hub Data File: hub3.curve
Shroud Data File: shroud3.curve
Profile Data File: profile3.curve

(The statements following "<----" are comments that show possible values. They are not part of the format.)

For information about loading *.inf files, see Load TurboGrid Init File Command.

Curve File

.crv and .curve curve files are used by TurboGrid to define machine geometry. These files contain points in free-format ASCII style and can be created:

  • Using a text editor

  • Using Ansys BladeGen

  • Using the ExportPoints feature of BladeEditor with feature property "Export to file" = "Yes"

  • By saving a modified blade geometry in TurboGrid.

Tetin File

.tin Tetin files are produced by TurboGrid and describe the geometry in a format which can be read by ICEM CFD products. For details, see Export Geometry Command.

Picture Files

PNG (.png), AVZ (3D) (.avz), JPEG (.jpg), PPM (.ppm), PostScript (.ps), and Encapsulated PS (.eps) files can be saved. For details, see Save Picture Command.