5.2. Mesh Command

The flow path through the rotating machine is divided into small but discrete volumes. These volumes are primarily hexahedral elements, which have six sides and eight corners (wedge elements may be included in the blade tip region). There are nodes placed on each corner and the assembly of these nodes forms the mesh. The mesh fills the entire flow path and is used by Ansys CFX solvers. The quality of the solution depends partly on the quality of the Mesh. To create a mesh, select Insert > Mesh from the main menu, click Insert Mesh   on the toolbar, or right-click anywhere in the viewer or object selector and select Insert Mesh from the shortcut menu.

Ansys TurboGrid creates the mesh using the current state of the Topology Set and Mesh Data objects. The time it takes to create the mesh depends on its size and the number of smoothing iterations chosen. Displayed in the status bar at the bottom left corner of the application window is an estimate of the total number of nodes and the total number of elements in the mesh. After the mesh is created, the color and rendering settings in the viewer window can be controlled for each individual mesh surface.

If changes are made to any of the Geometry, Topology Set, Mesh Data, or Layers objects, the mesh must be recreated in order for these changes to be included in the mesh.