4.3. New Session Command

To create a new Session file, select Session > New Session from the main menu or click New Session   on the toolbar. The Set Session File dialog box is displayed.

Upon clicking Save in the dialog window, that file becomes the current session file. Commands are not written to the file until recording begins. For details, see Start Recording Command.

Session files should be saved with a .tse file extension. The extension is added to a filename if TG Session Files (*.tse) is selected as the file type.

If you create more than one session file during a TurboGrid session, the most recently created file is by default the current session file. To set a different file to be the current session file, select an existing file from the Set Session File dialog box and then click Save. The following message then appears:

Click Overwrite to delete the existing session file and create a new file in its place. Click Append to add selected commands to the end of the existing session file when recording begins.