Ansys TurboGrid employs the traditional concept of block-structure (multi-block) mesh generation. The block-structure approach is simple and efficient, enabling the use of Transfinite Interpolation (TFI) for surface and interior mesh generation.
Although it is possible to establish a correspondence between any physical region and any given logically rectangular block, the grid inside such a block is likely to be unusable as the geometry becomes more complex. Topology blocks therefore represent contiguous sub-regions of a physical domain. Within each block, the mesh elements are logically rectangular but the blocks themselves fit together in an unstructured manner. Each block has its own curvilinear coordinate system and is logically rectangular. This allows the grid generation and numerical solution on the grid to be constructed to operate in a logically rectangular computational region.
There are many subsets of TFI, such as Lagrangian and Hermitic: a useful reference for such subjects is "The Handbook of Grid Generation" (J.F. Thompson et al., 1999, CRC Press). Ansys TurboGrid employs an algebraic, semi-isogeometric procedure for surface-mesh generation.