3.2.4. Save Mesh Files

>savemesh [filename=<filename>, solver=<cfx5 | tascflow>]]

Mesh files can be used to load a previously created mesh into Ansys TurboGrid and export a completed mesh to be used in an Ansys CFX Solver. The >savemesh command writes the current Ansys TurboGrid Mesh to a file from the Command Editor dialog box.

>savemesh requires the following arguments:

  • filename = <filename>

    Specifies the path and name of the file to which the state is written.

  • solver = <cfx5 | tascflow>

    If solver is cfx5, the mesh file is saved in the Ansys CFX mesh format (.gtm). If solver is tascflow, the mesh file is saved in CFX-TASCflow format, including a .grd and .bcf file. savemesh Command Examples

The following is an example >savemesh command, and the expected results.

> savemesh filename = mymesh.gtm, solver = cfx5

The command above writes the current mesh to mymesh.gtm in Ansys CFX format.

> savemesh filename = mymesh, solver = tascflow

The command above writes the current Mesh to mymesh.grd and mymesh.bcf in CFX-TASCflow format.