2.2.1. Basic Terminology

The following is an example of a CCL object defining an isosurface.

		Variable = Minimum Face Angle
		Value = 10 [degree]
		Color = 1,0,0
		Transparency = 0.5
  • ISOSURFACE and USER DEFINED are object types

  • Iso1 is an object name

  • Variable = Minimum Face Angle is a parameter

  • Variable is a parameter name

  • Minimum Face Angle is a parameter value

  • If the object type ISOSURFACE does not need a name it is called a singleton object. Only one object of a given singleton type can exist. The Data Hierarchy

Data is entered via parameters. These are grouped into objects that are stored in a tree structure. Objects may be at the ‘Top Level’, or within other objects. Objects inside other objects are said to be ‘nested’.

OBJECT1: outer object name
OBJECT2: inner object name
	name1 = value
	name2 = value

Objects and parameters may be placed in any order, provided that the information is set prior to being used further down the file. If data is set in one place and modified in another the latter definition overrides the first.