System Coupling Settings

All coupled analyses have settings that enable you to control various aspects of the analysis. The following types of settings are available:

  • Library settings

    For System Coupling's user interfaces, define global expression, and transformation objects that can be referenced elsewhere in the analysis.

  • Coupling Participant settings

    For each participant, define a name, regions from and to which data can be transferred, the input and output data transfer variables available for each region, the update frequency, and execution controls.

  • Analysis Control settings

    Define the type of analysis and controls for the analysis type, partitioning algorithm, simultaneous participant updates, and global stabilization.

  • Coupling Interface settings

    Define coupling interfaces, including data transfer details and mapping controls.

  • Solution Control settings

    Define solution-level details such as the solution duration, time step size, and number of coupling iterations per step.

  • Output Control settings

    Control the frequency with which coupling output is generated.