The Ansys Product Improvement Program

Ansys System Coupling is covered by the Ansys Product Improvement Program (APIP), which enables Ansys, Inc. to collect and analyze anonymous usage data reported by our software without affecting your work or product performance. Analyzing product usage data helps us to understand customer usage trends and patterns, interests, and quality or performance issues. The data enable us to develop or enhance product features that better address your needs.

For details on the program as a whole, see The Ansys Product Improvement Program in the Mechanical User's Guide (or the corresponding section in the documentation for another Ansys product covered by the program).

APIP Participation Preferences

Ansys System Coupling respects the participation preferences you've set in other Ansys products. If, when starting System Coupling, you have not yet specified a preference in another product, System Coupling assumes that you have not agreed to participate and does not collect data. If you wish to change your existing participation preference, access the Ansys Product Improvement Program dialog from a participant product's Help menu.

Data Collected by Ansys System Coupling

If you agree to participate in the APIP program, then System Coupling collects the coupling-specific data listed in the table below.

Table 1: Data collected by System Coupling for the Ansys Product Improvement Program

CategoryData collectedDescription


Country code

Code for the country in which APIP data is collected

Time zone

Time zone in which APIP data is collected

System Data


Operating system used

Graphics card

Graphics card used


Number of cores available for the coupled analysis

Coupling Participant Data

Number of coupling participants

Total number of coupling participants included in the coupled analysis

Participant types

Ansys products engaging as coupling participants

Number of data transfer sources

Number of coupling participants sending data to another participant in a data transfer

Source names

List of all Ansys products sending data to another participant

Number of data transfer targets

Number of coupling participants receiving data from another participant in a data transfer

Target names

List of all Ansys products receiving data from another participant

System Coupling Data

Application ID

Identifier for the System Coupling application

Application version

Version of System Coupling used

Session ID

Unique identifier for the System Coupling session

Coupling Platform

Whether System Coupling runs in one of its standalone user interfaces or in Workbench

Coupling Mode

Whether System Coupling runs in co-simulation or mapping mode

Coupling Context

Whether System Coupling runs in its GUI or CLI

Coupled Analysis Data

Analysis type

Whether System Coupling runs a Steady, Transient, or mixed Steady-Transient solution


Type of solution stabilization applied, when applicable

Number of data transfers

Total number of data transfers defined for the coupled analysis

Number of mesh nodes

Total number of mesh nodes on all coupled regions

Number of mesh elements

Total number of mesh elements on all coupled regions

Maximum number of interface regions

Total number of regions on the interface side with the most regions


Number of cores used for the coupled analysis (as specified by the -s command-line argument)

Solve time

Duration of the solution's execution