Steps of a System Coupling Analysis

Coupled analyses performed using System Coupling are composed of the following general steps:

  1. Set up the physics for coupling participants.

    For each participant, set up data transfer variables and regions to be coupled, as well as coupling-related settings that enable a coupled analysis.

  2. Set up System Coupling.

    Set up the System Coupling part of the analysis, specifying analysis settings and defining data transfers.

  3. Run the coupled analysis.

    Run the coupled analysis by starting System Coupling and each of the participant solvers.

  4. During the coupled analysis run, you can:

    • Monitor solution progress.

    • Stop and resume the analysis.

  5. After the coupled analysis run, you can:

    • Extend and restart the analysis.

    • Debug your coupled analysis.

  6. Review the analysis output.

    Review the solution output produced by both System Coupling and participant solvers. You can postprocess the results using the methods recommended for a given participant or by loading coupling results into Ansys EnSight.