Change Output Control Settings

Change values for the Output Control settings.

  1. On the Messages tab, click the Informational message about Output Control options.

    In the Setup branch, the Output Control branch is highlighted. Corresponding settings are shown below in the Properties pane.

    The frequency with which restart points and results files are generated is determined by the these settings.

  2. In the Properties pane, leave Option set to Last Step.

    With this setting, restart points will be generated only for the last step, at the end of the analysis.

  3. Under Output Control, click Results.

    Corresponding settings are shown below in the Properties pane.

  4. Set Option to Every Step.

    With the default Program Controlled option, System Coupling writes EnSight-compatible results files at the same frequency as restart files.

    With the changed option, results files will now be written for every coupling step. These files will allow you to generate an animation later, when you postprocess results in EnSight.

The co-simulation setup is complete.