Generate Mechanical's Solver Input and Participant Setup Files

Generate the solver input and System Coupling Participant setup files needed to include Mechanical in the co-simulation.

  1. In Mechanical's Outline, right-click Transient Thermal (A5) and select Write System Coupling Files.

  2. Navigate to the Mechanical coupling working directory.

  3. Name the Participant Setup file CoilAndCore.scp and save it.

    Note:  You may ignore the warning message indicating that the initial time increment may be too large. System Coupling will provide time increment details.

  4. From Mechanical's main menu, select File > Save Project and then File > Close Mechanical.

  5. On Workbench's Project Schematic, right-click the Transient Thermal system's Setup cell and select Update.

    The state of the Setup cell changes to Up-to-Date ( ).

  6. From Workbench's main menu, select File > Save and then File > Exit.