Generate Mechanical's Solver Input and System Coupling Participant Setup Files

Generate the solver input and System Coupling Participant setup files needed to include Mechanical in the co-simulation.

  1. In Mechanical's Outline, right-click Steady-State Thermal and select Write System Coupling Files.

  2. Navigate to the MAPDL coupling working directory.

  3. Name the Participant Setup file BusBarSteady.scp and save it.

  4. From Mechanical's main menu, select File > Save Project and then File > Close Mechanical.

  5. On Workbench's Project Schematic, right-click the Steady-State Thermal system's Setup cell and select Update.

    The state of the Setup cell changes to Up-to-Date ( ).

  6. From Workbench's main menu, select File > Save and then File > Exit.